Jun 022019

This is relevant now.  Some good information from Kurt Mackie at MCPMag.com…

Microsoft recently detailed some changes organizations should make before rolling out version 1903 of Windows 10 and Windows Server, as well as its plans for Windows 10 “targeted” channel releases and new perks for Windows Update for Business users.

Source: Deploying Windows 10 and Windows Server 1903: Some Caveats for IT Pros — Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online

 Posted by at 8:08 am
Mar 012018

By Sandy Stachowiak at MakeUseOf.com…

A tool that offers task management, due dates, reminders, and even team communication, all within a friendly interface, can be more efficient. These online project management tools are ideal for situations where simplicity is best, additional features are helpful, and easy access is essential.

Source: 5 Online Project Management Tools for Small Teams

 Posted by at 8:28 am
Feb 112018

By Yusuf Limalia at MakeUseOf.com…

When you have internet or network issues, it may feel like a regression back to the stone age. Let’s try and understand networks and look at some troubleshooting techniques to bring you back into the world of the living.

Source: The Complete Windows Network Troubleshooting Guide

 Posted by at 6:56 pm