Video: Five features that will make you love Windows 7 | TR Dojo | “Video: Five features that will make you love Windows 7”
Video: Five features that will make you love Windows 7 | TR Dojo | “Video: Five features that will make you love Windows 7”
Microsoft Access Team Blog: “Access 2010 Custom Themes
Today’s guest writer is Steve Greenberg.
The recent Access 2010 Theme’s post introduced you to the new Office themes inside Access. Now let’s show you some of the advanced things you can do with themes. The controls we are about to use can all be found to the left of the Design tab once you’re designing a form or report in design or layout view.”
From…they have an impressive collection of tutorials and helpful information.
Windows 7 Forums: “Welcome to Windows 7 Forums. Our forum is dedicated to helping you find solutions with any problems, errors or issues you are experiencing with Windows 7. The Windows 7 forum also covers news and updates and has an extensive Windows 7 tutorial section that covers a wide range of tips and tricks.”
Computerworld > Google Docs vs Microsoft Office – how do they compare?: “For years, Microsoft had no competition when it came to productivity suites. The vast majority of people and enterprises didn’t have to give suites any thought at all. They just chose Microsoft Office.
With more businesses getting used to the idea of their apps and data living in the cloud, though, that’s starting to change. Oh, Office is still dominant. But the Google Docs web-based office suite is starting to gain traction, and not just among small businesses, but where the big boys and girls roam as well.”
Microsoft Office Outlook Team Blog: “A common problem with email searches is that they can return too many results. For example, entering someone’s name may return matches where the name appears in parts of the message’s body even though you meant to look for messages from that person. It can be also hard to enter other criteria to help narrow your search, such as whether it has an attachment or that it has a particular category applied. Wouldn’t it be great if you could specify these parameters easily and get a better set of results – finding what you want even faster? Outlook 2010 makes it easy!
Outlook 2010 makes searching your mailbox more efficient with two new features: the Search Contextual Tab in the Ribbon and the Search Suggestion List.”
Intro and table of contents for a 70 page review of Windows 7, from… Microsoft Windows 7 (32 & 64-bit) – Review: “This October Microsoft will release Windows 7 world-wide, the successor to Windows Vista and Windows XP (again), a major upgrade that promises to further improve the user experience on different PC form factors such as the popular Netbook. For the past couple of weeks the Team spent some time testing the Windows 7 (RTM) Release to Manufacturing build, which is the final build that will be available in stores and new PC’s around the world (that goes for Intel Macs too).”
And Microsoft doesn’t like it!
Microsoft blasts Google over Chrome Frame plug-in – Network World: “Microsoft today warned Internet Explorer (IE) users that they could double their security woes if they installed and used Google Chrome Frame, the plug-in that provides better JavaScript performance and adds support for HTML 5 to Microsoft’s browser.
‘It’s not necessarily that plug-ins aren’t or can’t be secure, but that running a browser within a browser doubles the potential attack surface in a way that we don’t see is particularly helpful,’ said Amy Bazdukas, Microsoft’s general manager for IE.”
IE8 runs 10 times faster with Google plug-in – Network World: “Microsoft’s Internet Explorer zips through JavaScript nearly ten times faster than usual when Google’s new Chrome Frame plug-in is partnered with the browser, benchmark tests show.
According to tests run by Computerworld , Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) was 9.6 times faster than IE8 on its own. Computerworld ran the SunSpider JavaScript benchmark suite three times each for IE8 with Chrome Frame, and IE8 without the plug-in, then averaged the scores.”