Sep 252009

And Microsoft doesn’t like it!

Microsoft blasts Google over Chrome Frame plug-in – Network World: “Microsoft today warned Internet Explorer (IE) users that they could double their security woes if they installed and used Google Chrome Frame, the plug-in that provides better JavaScript performance and adds support for HTML 5 to Microsoft’s browser.

‘It’s not necessarily that plug-ins aren’t or can’t be secure, but that running a browser within a browser doubles the potential attack surface in a way that we don’t see is particularly helpful,’ said Amy Bazdukas, Microsoft’s general manager for IE.”

 Posted by at 7:34 am
Sep 252009


IE8 runs 10 times faster with Google plug-in – Network World: “Microsoft’s Internet Explorer zips through JavaScript nearly ten times faster than usual when Google’s new Chrome Frame plug-in is partnered with the browser, benchmark tests show.

According to tests run by Computerworld , Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) was 9.6 times faster than IE8 on its own. Computerworld ran the SunSpider JavaScript benchmark suite three times each for IE8 with Chrome Frame, and IE8 without the plug-in, then averaged the scores.”

 Posted by at 7:22 am