Sep 282009

Microsoft Access Team Blog: “Access 2010 Custom Themes

Today’s guest writer is Steve Greenberg.

The recent Access 2010 Theme’s post introduced you to the new Office themes inside Access. Now let’s show you some of the advanced things you can do with themes. The controls we are about to use can all be found to the left of the Design tab once you’re designing a form or report in design or layout view.”

 Posted by at 7:21 pm
Sep 282009

From…they have an impressive collection of tutorials and helpful information.

Windows 7 Forums: “Welcome to Windows 7 Forums. Our forum is dedicated to helping you find solutions with any problems, errors or issues you are experiencing with Windows 7. The Windows 7 forum also covers news and updates and has an extensive Windows 7 tutorial section that covers a wide range of tips and tricks.”

 Posted by at 5:40 pm
Sep 282009


Computerworld > Google Docs vs Microsoft Office – how do they compare?: “For years, Microsoft had no competition when it came to productivity suites. The vast majority of people and enterprises didn’t have to give suites any thought at all. They just chose Microsoft Office.

With more businesses getting used to the idea of their apps and data living in the cloud, though, that’s starting to change. Oh, Office is still dominant. But the Google Docs web-based office suite is starting to gain traction, and not just among small businesses, but where the big boys and girls roam as well.”

 Posted by at 10:33 am