Jun 302010

From LinuxJournal.com…

Programming with Scratch | Linux Journal: “As a homeschooling parent, I’m a big fan of educational software and I’ve written quite about about various programs in the past. But, as a programmer, I’m also a big fan of any program that makes computer programming more approachable by younger children. So, when I heard about Scratch, I was pretty enthusiastic. (Thanks, Mitch)”

 Posted by at 11:12 am
Jun 302010

From CIO.com…

The Pros and Cons of Windows 7 Security – CIO.com – Business Technology Leadership: “Businesses are eyeing a transition to Microsoft Windows 7, and with a wealth of security features that are part of it, it’s worth figuring out the good and bad about each of them, says Gartner analyst Neil MacDonald, who notes in some cases, third-party security products might be the better fit.”

 Posted by at 11:10 am
Jun 292010

From Microsoft-Watch.com…

Microsoft Watch – Windows 7 – Windows 8 Rumors Leak Across Web: “Microsoft claims it’s selling Windows 7 at a clip of seven copies per second (that’s more than 150 million copies since October 2009, according to the company’s math) and it probably doesn’t want anything to interfere with that rate–certainly nothing like rumors that the company’s already sweeping the decks for Windows 8.”

 Posted by at 1:50 pm
Jun 282010

From H-online.com…

Oracle releases VM VirtualBox 3.2.6 – The H Open Source: News and Features: “Oracle has announced the release of version 3.2.6 of its open source VM VirtualBox desktop virtualisation application for x86 hardware. The latest maintenance update includes more than 20 bug fixes and a number of changes over the previous 3.2.4 release from early June.”

 Posted by at 5:18 pm
Jun 272010

From TechRepublic.com…

RGBA support in Ubuntu | Linux and Open Source | TechRepublic.com: “RGBA stands for Red Green Blue Alpha. When applied to the computer desktop it means a whole world more. It means full-blown transparency with the ability to control the transparency like never before. This feature was supposed to make it into Ubuntu 10.04, but because of some show-stopping issues it was pulled. It is now slated to make it into 10.10 and, judging from how well it is working now, it will do just that.”

 Posted by at 3:34 pm
Jun 252010

From CampusTechnology.com…

10 Ways To Cut Campus Costs with Technology — Campus Technology: “On campuses around the world, technology is typically looked upon as an expense. There are upfront costs to consider, ongoing maintenance issues to fund, and consumables to purchase. Once in place, the new technology typically yields expected savings in costs, time, and resources, thus justifying the school’s investment.”

 Posted by at 7:41 am
Jun 242010

From Microsoft-Watch.com…

Microsoft Watch – Business Applications – Microsoft Releases Office 2010, Nods Toward the Cloud: “Microsoft officials announced the worldwide availability of Office 2010, Visio 2010 and Project 2010 on June 15. They’re backing it with a multimillion dollar ad campaign, and highlighting features such as Photo editing in Word. I haven’t heard of anyone rushing out the door to secure a copy, but I’ve no doubt that a number of Microsoft-centric businesses will upgrade over the next year or so.”

 Posted by at 12:26 pm