Nov 022011

And this goes hand in hand with my post of a few minutes ago.  From…

The battle between Microsoft and Google for office cloud dominance reminds me of the clash of the Titans. Microsoft and its classic on-premises business model is like Gaia, the earth goddess, and Google with its disruptive lightening bolt, is like Zeus, a sky god and a next generation kind of god.

via Microsoft Office 365 vs. Google Apps for Business.

 Posted by at 11:00 pm
Nov 022011

I was on a conference call today with a number of public universities in Georgia discussing migrating e-mail systems to Microsoft’s and Google.  A strong sense of concern about mobile devices, support, and security.  So, this article tonight from PCWorld is relevant…

First there were sewing-machine sized portable PCs, then laptops, the Newton, the Palm Pilot, and phones with built-in PDA functions. The iPhone led the way to the ubiquitous smartphone, and the iPad ushered in an era of tablets. Now wireless hotspots, printers, storage, and a variety of other devices are making their way onto your office network, possibly without the knowledge of managers.

via Five Steps to Mobile Device Management and Security | PCWorld Business Center.

 Posted by at 10:51 pm
Nov 022011

I haven’t tried it yet but it looks like a potential FREE solution, even for commercial use.

From Erez Zukerman at…

Like many other tech nerds, I am often called upon to seize control of some system remotely and rescue its user from some evil manifestation of technology. This isn’t my job (I don’t do this “commercially”), so my free tool of choice is TeamViewer. It’s free for non-commercial use, fast, and very easy to use even for people who don’t know very much about computers. But when I heard Google released something called Chrome Remote Desktop, my curiosity was piqued, so I decided to give it a try.

via Control Other Computers Remotely For Free With Chrome Remote Desktop [Cross-Platform].

 Posted by at 6:43 am