Nov 032011

I have upgraded all of my devices to iOS5 but a few things are not working and they have not been a priority for me to worry about.  Maybe this will help.

From Bakari Chavanu at…

No doubt the most welcomed feature of the latest iOS 5 update for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad is Apple rolling out iCloud and wireless Wi-Fi connectivity for its smart mobile devices and Macs. Many of us have experienced the pain of connecting our iOS device using USB to iTunes just to update a playlist or backup some related app files. It was almost like calling someone on a wired phone.

via How to Set Up iCloud For Your iOS Devices.

 Posted by at 4:47 am
Nov 032011

As an adjunct faculty member this article at InsideHigherEd reminds me of the importance of setting and communicating high expectations to my students,  From InsideHigherEd…

Over the past 20 years, if not more, colleges and universities, states and private foundations have invested considerable resources in the development and implementation of a range of programs to increase college completion. Though several of these have achieved some degree of success, most have not made a significant impact on college completion rates.

via Essay: Focus student success efforts on what happens in the classroom | Inside Higher Ed.

 Posted by at 3:21 am