Nov 182011

Okay, I’m guilty of spending time fiddling with to-do lists but hey, that’s a hobby of enjoying learning how to effectively use new software.  This is an interesting approach for Mac users.

By Whitson Gordon at…

Your to-do list is the hub of your personal productivity, so it makes sense that we’re attracted to to-do apps filled with bells, whistles, and tassels. Then you realize you’re spending more time fiddling with your app than getting things done. If you’re tired of clicking around internet-needy webapps or getting locked into a specific to-do list service, it’s time to switch to something simpler. Here’s why a simple text file will make your to-do lists fast, easy to manage, and seamlessly integrate with everything else you use.

via Why You Should Set Up Your To-Do List in a Plain Text File (and How to Do It).

 Posted by at 7:44 am
Nov 182011

This is not good news for higher education.  It will put universities responsible for monitoring their user’s internet activities and add significant cost to every institution which will have to be passed on to the students.  SOPA is a a very pro-Hollywood act and I hope it is changed or defeated.

By Eva Galperin at Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The House Judiciary Committee will meet today for a hearing on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). What could have been an opportunity for the committee to hear from a variety of stakeholders has devolved into a parade of pro-SOPA partisans. Scheduled to testify are representatives from the Register of Copyrights, Pfizer Global Security, the Motion Picture Association of America, the AFL-CIO, and Mastercard Worldwide—many of which helped to draft this legislation in the first place, and didn’t let anyone else into the room. The only scheduled witness in opposition to the bill is Katherine Oyama, policy counsel on copyright and trademark law for Google.

via Who’s Missing From Today’s SOPA Hearing? A Short List | Electronic Frontier Foundation.

 Posted by at 6:38 am