Feb 042012

The final GIMP release before we see version 2.8 is now available.  From the GIMP home page at http://www.gimp.org

GIMP 2.6.12 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Its purpose is mostly to wrap up all fixes that have piled up since 2.6.11 into a last release in the stable 2.6 series before we switch to 2.8. Please have a look at the NEWS file for a detailed list of changes.

via GIMP – The GNU Image Manipulation Program.

 Posted by at 2:59 pm
Feb 042012

Friday, Feb 3, 2012 – So, traffic was too easy this morning on GA 400 into Atlanta.  I’m at the Savannah College of Art & Design which is hosting WordCamp Atlanta 2012.  And…I’m really early. Lol.

While I’m thinking of it, the presentations should all be available in the near future on WordPress TV.

Saturday, Feb 4, 2012 – WPEngine.com is reportedly offering free lifetime hosting for WordPress sites; the downside as far as I can tell is it is limited to site hosting, no e-mail.  <darn.  sigh>.  Great to hear directly from WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg, he answered a ton of questions and is a very likeable guy.


 Posted by at 12:40 pm
Feb 042012

I picked this up from my good friend Allen Taylor.  Holy Cow!  Thomas Edison gets my benefit of the doubt.

By Michael Hiltzik at LATimes.com…

Who really benefits from putting high-tech gadgets in classrooms?

How much genuine value is there in fancy educational electronics? Don’t let companies or politicians fool you.

via Hyping classroom technology helps tech firms, not students – latimes.com.

 Posted by at 11:11 am