Apr 152012

Okay I admit I’ve been to the Apple store and would love to have the new iPad.  You know, the one that is not called the iPad 3?  Meanwhile, I continue to be amazed at what the iPad 2 does for me.  This article, and some of the comments from readers, validates many of my thoughts about what the iPad is and is not.  What it is for sure is interesting.

By Thorin Klosowski at Lifehacker.

The iPad gets a bad rap as a device designed specifically for consumption. After all, its main purpose is to keep you connected to the world. Despite that, the iPad has risen up as a creativity tool and serves as an integral part in many people’s toolkit. To get an idea of when these devices are being used, we talked with a cadre of creative types to find out not just how they’re using iPads to make things, but why.

via Your iPad: The Creative Tool You Never Knew You Needed.

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