Apr 072012

from RT.com…

An onrush of condemnation and criticism kept the SOPA and PIPA acts from passing earlier this year, but US lawmakers have already authored another authoritarian bill that could give them free reign to creep the Web in the name of cybersecurity.

via Even worse than SOPA: New CISPA cybersecurity bill will censor the Web — RT.

 Posted by at 8:04 am
Apr 032012

By Meridith Levinson at NetworkWorld.com…

Workplace performance expert Jason Womack says changing the way we do our work to improve our productivity is hard because our processes have become habit, and in many cases these habits have made us successful (even if they drove us to the edge of sanity in the process).

via Time Management: 6 Ways to Improve Your Productivity.

 Posted by at 2:48 pm