Aug 232012

By Aaron Couch at…

Coding. A topic that is avoided by many. Why? Probably because it seems like an impossible and unreachable goal to attain. It is a difficult skill, but if you have the purpose to learn to code, there’s no better time than now. There are an abundance of free resources and tools, all of which are available online. Sure you could take some courses on the topic at a nearby community college, and you might still want to. However, if you’re on a budget, have limited time or just simply want an additional source of quality education, these websites can be a tremendous help.

via Learn To Code: 10 Free And Fantastic Online Resources To Hone Your Skills.

 Posted by at 6:00 am
Aug 222012

By Saikat Basu at…

I am going to ruffle a few feathers here by saying that Microsoft OneNote is just as good as Evernote. Evernote is probably more barebones and easier to handle, while OneNote is the digital equivalent of a binder, giving you more organizational control.

via 10 Awesome OneNote Tips You Should Be Using All The Time [Windows].

 Posted by at 5:42 am
Aug 222012

Hey!  Another COTW site…I like this one.

Welcome to Colors on the Web. This website is dedicated to color theory and the use of colors in design. Whether you are a blogger who needs ideas for a color scheme or a designer in search of some color inspiration, the tools presented here should give you a starting point. My hope is that this site will give web designers a better understanding of color theory and the importance of colors as it applies to web design.

via Color Theory, Color Wheel and Combining Colors, Colors on the Web.

 Posted by at 5:31 am
Aug 182012

By Evelyn Brown at NIST…

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published the final version of its guide for managing computer security incidents. Based on best practices from government, academic and business organizations, this updated guide includes a new section expanding on the important practice of coordination and information sharing among agencies.

via Updated NIST Guide is a How-To for Dealing With Computer Security Incidents.

 Posted by at 11:03 am