The “problem” with having a smartphone is that there are simply too many apps to try out. Just as you’ve found 10 good apps to try, another 20 come along, demanding your time and attention. Suddenly, everything else in your life is put on hold, as you try out the latest new iOS game or the latest Android productivity app (ironic, I know).
If I were a faculty member teaching only basic courses I would start looking to expand my portfolio. From…
New Consortium of Leading Universities Will Move Forward With Transformative, For-Credit Online Education Program
By Jeffrey R. Young at…
The American Council on Education has agreed to review a handful of free online courses offered by elite universities and may recommend that other colleges grant credit for them.
via MOOC’s Take a Major Step Toward College Credit – Technology – The Chronicle of Higher Education.
“MOOC panic” is real. Or at least it seems so after visiting EDUCAUSE 2012.
By Moshe Y. Vardi at Communications of the ACM.
Will MOOCs Destroy Academia?
via Will MOOCs Destroy Academia? | November 2012 | Communications of the ACM.
By Jennifer Lonoff Schiff at…
A lot can go wrong when it comes to building a business Website. To find out some of the biggest mistakes companies make when redesigning their website–or launching a new one– surveyed Web developers, Web designers and customer experience experts We cite the 12 most often problems, as well as how you can fix or prevent them.
By Stephen Lawson at…
Federal initiatives to make more spectrum available for mobile services are likely to take off running after President Barack Obama’s re-election on Tuesday, a member of a presidential technology commission said.
via Obama Tech Adviser Says Re-election Sets Stage for Progress on Spectrum