Alright, maybe I’m the real curmudgeon here but I agree with all of these points made by Jason Nazar in his article at…
20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don’t Get
Alright, maybe I’m the real curmudgeon here but I agree with all of these points made by Jason Nazar in his article at…
20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don’t Get
Some good tips for Excel users. The screen shots are Excel 2013 and Excel 2010 users should be able to follow along. By Ryan Dube at…
I’ve always believed that Excel is one of the most powerful software tools out there. It isn’t just the fact that it’s spreadsheet software, which is by its nature powerful anyway. No, Microsoft Excel 2013 itself has such an awesome collection of built-in tools and features that it has beyond any doubt, become one of the most useful tools for so many things. In this article, I plan to show you how powerful formulas and conditional formatting can be, with three pretty useful examples.
A well written article on why open source is not profitable (not that it is intended to be) and some interesting analysis on the success and failures of many initiatives. By Daniel Eran Dilger at…
Open Source enthusiasts love to tell you Android is winning, and that it is winning because it is open. But they’re wrong on both counts. The history of computing makes that abundantly clear, as do the current leaders in profitability.
via Editorial: Apple, Google and the failure of Android’s open.
Personal productivity is one of my special interests. I highly recommend this post at Lifehacker. It’s amazing to me that Benjamin Franklin so thoroughly documented his productivity rituals and guiding principles. By Thorin Klosowski at…
Benjamin Franklin’s Best Productivity Tricks
Benjamin Franklin was a polymath by all accounts, and he didn’t get to that point by slacking off. He was a founding father, a scientist, a writer, and so much more. With that in mind, let’s take a look at what was behind the brain that made Franklin so productive.
As a CTO I think this short article offers compelling logic for further investment in online education. By Tanya Roscorla at the Center for Digital Education…
SAN ANTONIO — The pressure is on for school districts to adopt online learning — and the pressure is coming from both parents and students.