Jan 112014

I found this interesting piece by Derek Huether at leadingagile.com…

I’m asked on a regular basis how Agile or Lean practices can be applied during the holidays.  Let’s face it, we have a limited amount of time and todo lists as long as our arms.  Truth be told, people have limited success using the ever-growing todo list.  You either forget your list at home, you take on too much at one time, or you forget why some of the items on your list just aren’t getting done.  Several years ago, I found the answer to my “get stuff done” problem and it is known as Personal Kanban.

via Limiting Holiday WIP with Personal Kanban | LeadingAgile.

 Posted by at 3:44 pm

  One Response to “Limiting Holiday WIP with Personal Kanban”

  1. Thanks for the props. I’m actually working on an Agile 2014 workshop on Personal Kanban.

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