Apr 252014

By Paul B. Redman at SSIReview.org…

Strategic planning is not just a functional exercise. It means the difference between being a struggling nonprofit and an innovative, cause-driven organization changing the world. Creating a culture that believes in planning is paramount not just to survive a project, but to thrive long after the project is complete. Strategic planning takes ideas, inspiration, and down-in-the-dirt hard work to make transformations.

via Five Essentials of Strategic Planning | Stanford Social Innovation Review.

 Posted by at 10:23 pm
Apr 182014

Some useful productivity tips by Serenity Caldwell and Dan Moren at Macworld.com…

Whether it’s the first time you’ve picked up an iPad or the seventeenth time you’ve pulled out your iPhone today, there are probably still some iOS 7 features and functionality that you’re not familiar with. Don’t sweat it: We’re here to help. We’ve collected some of our favorite and most useful tips and compiled them here, just for you.

via 33 great tips and tricks for iOS 7 | Macworld.

 Posted by at 5:40 pm
Apr 102014

A good overview of more popular Linux distributions.  By Thomas J. Fitzgerald at The New York Times…

HAVE you ever wondered what happened to Linux? Linux is the free software created through the open source development process that many technology enthusiasts had predicted would revolutionize the world of computing.

via The Many Alternative Computing Worlds of Linux – NYTimes.com.

 Posted by at 3:56 pm