Jun 042014

Fascinating story at TelecomsTechNews.com, by Ryan Daws…

We’ve spoke previously about Google’s ambitious project to provide internet access in hard-to-reach locations, called ‘Project Loon’. Clearly not content with this, the company is looking to spend an expected minimum of $1 Billion on satellites to provide Earth-wide Wi-Fi for the masses.

Its rollout will consist of 180 “small, high-capacity satellites” which will orbit the Earth at a low altitude and be led by field expert, Greg Wyler, from satellite start-up O3B networks. It is said his team – consisting of between 10 and 20 people – will report directly to Larry Page.

The initial plans are expected to cost between $1 billion to “more than $3 billion” dependent on the network’s final design. If successful, a later phase could double the amount of satellites placed into the atmosphere.

via Google to cover earth in Wi-Fi via $1 Billion+ worth of satellites – Telecoms Tech.

 Posted by at 11:56 am