Sep 272015

By Sean Gallagher at…

One of the most prestigious schools in information technology also ranks first among its peers in information security in a new study—first among the worst, that is. In a recent security survey of 485 colleges and universities around the world with 1,000 or more public Internet Protocol addresses, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ranked at the bottom, earning just above an overall failing grade. The assessment, performed by the information security assessment company SecurityScorecard, gave MIT a nearly failing grade, putting the school in the basement below New Mexico State University and Cambridge University.

Source: MIT ranks high in bad security at major universities | Ars Technica

 Posted by at 6:07 pm
Sep 162015

By Michael Bailey at…

Ride-on lawn mower manufacturer Cox Industries might only employ 60 people today from 160 a decade ago, and has suffered three break-even years because it hasn’t rained enough, but co-owner Ken McColl says the Australian economy still can’t afford businesses like his to disappear.

Source: Three $150k robots replaced 60 welders: how Cox Industries keeps making mowers in Queensland |

 Posted by at 9:54 pm