Apr 192016

Password management is more important than ever.  I personally use 1Password and recommend most users use something on the level of a password management app.  I definitely see this as a security and productivity enhancer.  Here is a good article by Michael McConnell at MakeUseOf.com…

It goes without saying that everyone needs to use stronger passwords, and the best way to do that is with a password manager. The truth is, passwords that are hard to hack are just as hard to remember, yet even so, you really do need long and complex passwords.

Source: How Password Managers Keep Your Passwords Safe

 Posted by at 6:49 am
Apr 122016

Interesting article on keyboards in general and why you might want to avoid Bluetooth keyboards.  By Kannon Yamada at MakeUseOf.com…

Bluetooth keyboards offer a winning combination of portability and cross-device compatibility — but they’re not perfect for everyone. While there are Bluetooth keyboards out there worth buying, you should be aware that there are some real trade-offs to consider.

Source: 6 Reasons Why You Should NOT Buy a Bluetooth Keyboard

 Posted by at 10:02 pm