Jun 212016

By Danny Stieben at MakeUseOf.com…

MacBook Pros come with some very nice hardware, but some people want more. Some people want Linux.Whether you’d like a more open and customizable operating system or simply need to dual-boot in order to access certain software, you might want Linux on your MacBook. The thing is, MacBook Pros are also pretty closed-down pieces of hardware that make installing other operating systems difficult – Linux more so than Windows. Boot Camp won’t help you with Linux, even though it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Here’s how to do it.

Source: How To Install Linux On A MacBook Pro Retina

 Posted by at 6:23 pm
Jun 112016

By Mikko Hypponen at Linux.com…

Most people probably have an idea about what a hacker looks like. The image of someone sitting alone at a computer, with their face obscured by a hoodie, staring intently at lines of code in which their particular brand of crime or mischief is rooted, has become widely associated with hackers. You can confirm this by simply doing an image search for “hackers” and seeing what you come up with.

Source: Real Hackers Don’t Wear Hoodies (Cybercrime is Big Business) | Linux.com | The source for Linux information

 Posted by at 6:44 pm