Jun 242017

By James Frew at MakeUseOf.com…

Windows 10 was a huge success after it launched in 2015. As of March 2017, it was running on over a quarter of Desktop computers worldwide, only trailing Windows 7, which was released six years prior. Microsoft appeared to have listened to feedback about Windows 8 and sought to mix the best of Windows 7 and 8 while pushing the OS into the future.

Source: Privacy and Windows 10: Your Guide to Windows Telemetry

 Posted by at 7:49 pm
Jun 102017

Looks and sounds simple enough.  In practice it can get complicated.  Good advice in this article by Deborah Maue at InsideHogherEd.com…

How to align the various constituencies at your institution so you’re working toward the same goal.

Source: Minimizing Scope Creep in Five Easy Steps | Call to Action: Marketing and Communications in Higher Education

 Posted by at 7:52 pm