
Nov 282014

By Stefanie Botelho at University Business Magazine…

A large majority of college-bound students (85 percent) said that digital capabilities, such as integration of technology into classrooms, virtual coursework and online classes are a top determinant in choosing which university to attend, according to a five-country survey by Accenture.

via Majority of students cite digital services as factor in higher ed choice | University Business Magazine.

 Posted by at 11:25 am
Nov 142014

From Business Wire…

Survey Reveals the iGeneration Wants Personalized Communications on Multiple Platforms during the College Admissions and Enrollment Process to Make Informed Decisions

via Class of 2020 Wants Colleges and Universities to Ditch Email, Viewbooks and Non-Personalized Communications | Business Wire.

 Posted by at 8:19 am
Oct 122014

I’m a big fan of Microsoft and Windows.  Their products are usually solid and make a good enterprise computing solution.  Windows 8 is their first OS where I have agreed with critics that the UI is just too problematic.  Andrew Cunningham at ArsTechnica offers an accurate picture of Windows 10 and its relationship to Windows 8.  From…

The desktop environment in Windows 8.1 is pretty good.

This was not the message that Microsoft conveyed at its Windows 10 launch event last week, a presentation that had Microsoft’s historically change-averse but financially important business customers in mind. Whether the company was looking forward to multiple desktops and Continuum or backward to the Start menu and the command prompt, Microsoft’s message was clear: we have finished undoing all that stuff you didn’t like.

via Windows 10 doesn’t fix the desktop—it fixes Windows 8’s reputation | Ars Technica.

 Posted by at 6:46 pm
Sep 192014

A very useful article and “how-to” by Saikat Basu at…

Thankfully, when it comes to logic, the right tools can help simplify any process. Flowcharts are among those visual thinking tools that go grossly ignored for non-technical tasks. Maybe because flowcharting started purely as an engineering skill and didn’t go beyond the draft boards of industrial planners. With its leap towards computer algorithms it became more mainstream.

via How To Create Stunning Flowcharts With Microsoft Word.

 Posted by at 3:45 pm
Aug 312014

Anyone planning an enterprise deployment of iPads specifically, or tablets generally, is advised to check out the series of podcasts available.

From their web site:  Deploy 2014 is a series of shows we are currently building up to help you lead a major technology deployment in your school or organisation. The series is published in our regular podcast feed and this page gathers and organises each of the posts in the series, along with a summary of the content.

via Deploy 2014 | Out of School.

 Posted by at 10:05 am
Aug 162014

Windows 9 Update!  Very interesting report from Mary Jo Foley at…

Microsoft is aiming to deliver a “technology preview” of its Windows “Threshold” operating system by late September or early October, according to multiple sources of mine who asked not to be named.

via Microsoft to deliver Windows ‘Threshold’ tech preview around late September | ZDNet.

 Posted by at 9:23 am