
Jul 212012

This article provides great questions, that deserve answers, for any institution operating multiple LMS products.  Cost and satisfaction to the student, strategic relevance, etc.  Very good article.

By Jerry Bishop at Edu1World

IT Governance and the LMS – Who Owns Your LMS continues an explanation of IT Governance using a scenario involving an LMS. That scenario was presented in the first post IT Governance and the LMS – Principles of IT Governance. Here the explanation digs deep into the fundamental purpose for an LMS and how that influences issues of governance and ownership.

via IT Governance and the LMS – Who Owns Your LMS.

 Posted by at 10:40 am
Jun 242012

These guys at AsianEfficiency are remarkable.  Sometimes I wish I could just stop time for a few days and focus on implementing their suggestions and methods.

By Thanh Pham at…

Let’s talk about two popular programs: Evernote and Omnifocus. Omnifocus excels at managing tasks but it is weak in storing lots of information. Evernote is weak as a task manager but excels at storing lots of information. If you use them together, they should solve all your productivity problems… right? Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy. You have two separate systems that do not automatically work together. It is up to you to figure out how to do that and this is usually causes problems for some.

via How to Automatically Transfer Evernote Notes to Omnifocus For Review.

 Posted by at 7:52 am
May 302012

By Salkat Basu at…

The success of Open Source projects has defied the old saying – too many cooks spoil the broth. If you doubt the success of the open source initiative, you just have to look at Firefox and WordPress, probably two tools that are helping you to read most of the web. Then, you probably are fixing up a date on an Android phone.

via The 10 Best Open Source Projects You Should Be Volunteering To Help With.

 Posted by at 7:45 pm
May 292012

By Dave Parrack at…

We geeks know what we are and revel in our existence as our place in society grows ever stronger. We are geeks, we are proud, and we’re not going anywhere. As the Internet becomes a bigger part of everybody’s lives, we are the ones who they, the non-geeks, will turn to for help and advice. And we will offer that help and advice without hesitation.

via 10 Websites Geeks Of All Stripes Should Bookmark.

 Posted by at 12:06 pm