
May 242012

What a great month this is!  As we approach Memorial Day weekend Rhonda and I are headed to our annual reunion with Jimmy and Vicki Henson, and their children Haley, Harper, and Seth.

Rolling Thunder 2012 will be attracting hundreds of thousands of my best friends and I can’t wait to join them on Sunday.

Those packs of motorcycles you see heading to Washington are most likely Veterans spending their time and money to raise awareness of POWs and MIAs that remain behind in foreign lands.  Give them your support and encouragement.

headed to Rolling Thunder 2012

 Posted by at 8:49 pm
May 232012

Occasionally even I need to unlearn some bad habits.  This is worthwhile as are the links to his other articles within, e-mail management and task management.

By Thanh Pham at…

A lot of people use their calendar as their daily to-do list. Most of us learned it ad-hoc that we put the things we need to do on our calendar, but we think that’s a bad approach to planning. We want to show you how to use your calendar more efficiently together with your to do list. Each has its own functions and responsibilities, but they can work great in harmony once you know how.

via How To Use A Calendar and To Do List With Each Other.

 Posted by at 6:32 pm
May 212012


IT administrators, professors and CIOs are driven by the needs — and rising expectations — of students. In the world of higher education, technology is a catalyst for real growth. Topics like online learning, “bring your own device,” electronic textbooks and cloud computing are hot in the industry right now, and rightfully so.

via The Dean’s List: 50 Must-Read Higher Education Technology Blogs | EdTech Magazine.

 Posted by at 6:13 am
May 142012

By Alex Olesker at…

There are many great use cases for Apache Hadoop, the open source framework for scalable, reliable, and distributed computing on commodity hardware built around Hadoop Distributed File System and MapReduce, such as delivering search engine results, sequencing genomes, and indexing entire libraries of text, but the Million Monkeys Project by Jesse Anderson may be the easiest to understand and the most fun.

via A Million Monkeys Demonstrate the Power of Hadoop –

 Posted by at 2:06 am
May 132012

By Alan Henry at…

Numbers don’t lie, but a bad chart decision makes it extremely difficult to understand what those numbers mean. Before you put together another PowerPoint presentation, make sure your pick the right type of chart to clearly communicate the information you want to share. Here’s how.

via How to Choose the Best Chart for Your Data.

 Posted by at 4:00 pm