
Jan 102012

By W. Gardner Campbell at…

When we speak of learning outcomes, we typically mean either skill mastery or successful recall of information. Indeed, we often make successful recall–what our students tend to call regurgitation–an easy-to-measure proxy for mastery. Inputs match outputs, and the student passes the class. Problem solved–or is it?

via Curiosity as a Learning Outcome — Campus Technology.

 Posted by at 8:28 am
Jan 092012

For my Digital Media students that will need an MP3 file, and anyone else interested, here are some free music downloads.

I also recommend for various types of free and open source media and I like the blues music, in the open source OGG format, here.

A more complete selection of audio:


 Posted by at 9:15 am
Jan 072012

By Paul Goodison at…

If you are using a spreadsheet to track your data center equipment inventory, then take a moment and read this post. You might want to consider using something else that can actually track your assets. From where I sit, many IT managers grossly underestimate the efforts in this process.

via A Manifesto for Efficient IT Infrastructure Management.

 Posted by at 6:20 pm
Jan 062012

By Joel Lee at…

Over the past decade, the Python programming language has exploded in popularity amongst programmers in all areas of coding. From web developers to video game designers to in-house tool creators, many people have fallen in love with the language. Why? Because it’s easy to learn, easy to use, and very powerful.

via The 5 Best Websites To Learn Python Programming.

 Posted by at 8:12 am
Jan 052012

I learned a lot by reading this, by Fraser Speirs at his blog…

There is one iOS “tip” that I keep hearing and it is wrong. Worse, I keep hearing it from supposedly authoritative sources. I have even heard it from the lips of Apple “Geniuses” in stores.

Here is the advice – and remember it is wrong:

All those apps in the multitasking bar on your iOS device are currently active and slowing it down, filling the device’s memory or using up your battery. To maximise performance and battery life, you should kill them all manually.

via Fraser Speirs – Blog – Misconceptions About iOS Multitasking.

 Posted by at 9:41 am
Jan 022012

By Ryan Kamauff at…

The Navy Marine Corps Intranet is the largest individual network in the world. The only larger network is the Internet. This huge network sprawl requires a great deal of strategy, concern and planning. Over 700,000 users rely on the intranet to receive IT services. This is a huge network, and the NMCI cannot afford to take risks lightly, nor can they afford to be behind the eight-ball.

via NMCI and VMware Infrastructure.

 Posted by at 1:42 pm
Jan 012012

This web site, CotW, is powered by WordPress 3.3 and the article below provides an overview of the new features.

By James Bruce at…

If you haven’t logged into your dashboard lately, you probably should. WordPress 3.3 was released about a few weeks ago, and as a major release it brings some fairly significant changes which I’ll outline today. The underlying theme is accessibility for new users.

via What’s New In WordPress 3.3 ?.

 Posted by at 8:02 pm