
Dec 202011

I have tried so many note taking applications and for Windows users that already have OneNote it’s a very powerful piece of software.  Since I work on MAc and Linux as well, I’ve been recommending EverNote because it is (1) free and (2) it runs on everything…Mac/Windows/Linux/Android/iOS.  As a Microsoft Certified Professional and Office expert I love OneNote and am glad to see this for the iPad.

By Gregg Keizer at…

Computerworld – Microsoft today released an update to its OneNote application for iOS that it said has been tweaked for the iPad.

via Microsoft releases first Office app for iPad – Computerworld.

 Posted by at 9:33 am
Dec 162011

By M. David Stone at…

In the age of digital photos, photo scanners are still around largely because most of us—or our parents and grandparents—have collections of old film-based photos. Most people would like to get those photos scanned, if they could only figure out how. If that’s the boat you’re in, here are some tips that can help.

via 12 Great Tips to Scan Your Family Pictures |

 Posted by at 10:44 pm
Dec 142011

By Carolyn Duffy Marsan at…

Here is good news for college seniors with technology skills: The entry-level job market for IT workers looks solid in 2012.

“If you’re in IT, you couldn’t be coming out of college at a better time,” says Matt McGee, vice president of technical staffing services for Cincinnati-based Pomeroy, who points out that the unemployment rate for the U.S. IT industry was 2.7% in November. “You can get a job somewhere, but you need to choose wisely. … You need to get someplace where you can see a growth path and where you’re going to learn a lot over the next year or two.”

via Entry-level IT jobs will be plentiful in 2012, experts predict.

 Posted by at 2:50 pm
Dec 132011

My Digital Media students did great with our limited time using Blender and would enjoy this.

by Sam Dean at…

In the graphics and animation software arena, you can find plenty of expensive, proprietary applications, but few are as powerful as Blender, which is a free, powerful open source 3D modeling, graphics and animation product.

via Free Resources for Becoming an Advanced Animator with Blender.

 Posted by at 8:52 pm