I was reading Jack Wallen’s article on TechRepublic about the Bodhi Linux distribution and got distracted looking at the Bodhi Linux gallery of desktops. Pretty cool. I actually learned a few things by reading Jack’s piece so check it out.
My Digital Media students will be using Blender for their animation project. Looks like a new release is available.
From Phoronix.com…
The major Blender 2.60 release is ready to go and has been uploaded to the project’s file server.
via [Phoronix] Blender 2.60 Final Is Ready With Many Changes.
From MakeUseOf.com…
Windows 7 is by no means a new operating system. If fact, Windows 8 is already out there and available for those who wish to try it. This why I was doubly surprised to realize that there are still some hidden tools in Windows 7 I did not know about.
via 8 Hidden Tools In Windows 7 You Still Might Not Know About.
From HowToForge.com…
This tutorial shows how you can set up a Kubuntu 11.10 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge. Kubuntu 11.10 is derived from Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) and uses the KDE desktop instead of the GNOME desktop.
via The Perfect Desktop – Kubuntu 11.10 | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials.
From WebWorkerDaily…
No more lists: The robotics approach to idea management — Online Collaboration.
From MakeUseOf.com…
When it comes to keeping your website or your blog healthy and strong in search engine listings, regularly checking for broken or otherwise bad links on your website is a very good idea.
via Automate Checking Bad Links On Your Site With Linkchecker.
From PCWorld.com…
Worried About Win 8 Secure Boot? So Is the Free Software Foundation
By Katherine Noyes, PCWorld
The secure boot mechanism planned for Microsoft’s Windows 8 has already provoked considerable outcry from Linux users worried that the technology will make it impossible to install their favorite free and open source operating system on Windows 8 certified PCs.
via Worried About Win 8 Secure Boot? So Is the Free Software Foundation | PCWorld Business Center.
The LMS market is worth nearly a billion dollars in the United States alone. Nearly every campus has one or more systems, along with IT staff, training programs, and infrastructure to support it. Indeed, for many institutions, the LMS is the keystone of their technology-based learning strategy, whether that means blended learning, distance learning, or just more convenient classroom administration.