Aug 222012

Hey!  Another COTW site…I like this one.

Welcome to Colors on the Web. This website is dedicated to color theory and the use of colors in design. Whether you are a blogger who needs ideas for a color scheme or a designer in search of some color inspiration, the tools presented here should give you a starting point. My hope is that this site will give web designers a better understanding of color theory and the importance of colors as it applies to web design.

via Color Theory, Color Wheel and Combining Colors, Colors on the Web.

 Posted by at 5:31 am
Mar 082012

By David Nagel at…

Apple formally took the wraps off the new iPad Wednesday morning. The third generation of Apple’s popular tablet device incorporates a speedier A5X processor, 4G LTE support, and a higher-resolution Retina display.

via 4G iPad Debuts with Faster Processor, Improved Display — Campus Technology.

 Posted by at 9:54 am
Feb 102012

For anyone contemplating a new stereo system read this by Thorin Losowski at…

You love music, but even if you consider yourself a true audiophile, the cost of high-end sound can be, frankly, a little absurd. We talked with a handful of audio experts to find out how to get audiophile-calibre sound without emptying your savings account. Here’s what they had to say.

via How to Be an Audiophile on the Cheap.

 Posted by at 9:33 am
Feb 042012

The final GIMP release before we see version 2.8 is now available.  From the GIMP home page at

GIMP 2.6.12 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Its purpose is mostly to wrap up all fixes that have piled up since 2.6.11 into a last release in the stable 2.6 series before we switch to 2.8. Please have a look at the NEWS file for a detailed list of changes.

via GIMP – The GNU Image Manipulation Program.

 Posted by at 2:59 pm
Jan 092012

For my Digital Media students that will need an MP3 file, and anyone else interested, here are some free music downloads.

I also recommend for various types of free and open source media and I like the blues music, in the open source OGG format, here.

A more complete selection of audio:


 Posted by at 9:15 am