Mar 082017

What is the risk-reward of attending a 4-year college or university?​  Interesting article at…

According to the College Board, for the 2016-2017 school year, the average total cost of attendance for an in-state public college is around $24,610. Even worse, attending an out-of-state public college costs around $39,890 this year while a private college costs $49,320, on average.With these high costs, it is crucial for students and their families to consider how they pay for their higher education. College savings accounts, grants and scholarships, and financial aid often knock out a portion of the bi

Source: LendEDU’s College Risk-Reward (CRRI) Indicator 2017 – Lendedu

 Posted by at 4:31 pm
Dec 012016

By Alan Henry at…

From making sure they don’t fall for phishing scams to reminding them to never reveal personal information online, children just getting their start on the web may talk savvy, but still need a helping hand learning the stuff the rest of us know. Here are a few tips to get them started on the right foot.

Source: 10 Internet Safety Rules to Teach Children Before They Go Online

 Posted by at 7:31 am
Mar 062016

University of California, Irvine leaped into a new era with the release today of an aggressive strategic plan for the future that secures its place among elite research institutions.

Source: UCI takes a leap into the future with release of ambitious strategic plan | University Business Magazine

 Posted by at 7:38 pm
Jul 052015

By Malcolm Brown, Director of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), writing in EDUCAUSE Review.

Six individual trajectories of digital technology are enabling the ambitious goal of a responsive, personalized digital learning environment for higher education.

Source: Six Trajectories for Digital Technology in Higher Education | EDUCAUSE

 Posted by at 10:27 am
Jun 242015

By Malcolm Brown, Joanne Dehoney, and Nancy Millichap at

Today’s LMS needs to be supplemented with (and perhaps later replaced by) a new digital architecture and new learning components—the NGDLE—to enable current transitions in higher education.

Source: What’s Next for the LMS? (EDUCAUSE Review) |

 Posted by at 10:45 am
May 072015

By Michael Mitchell et al. at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities…

Most states have begun in the past year to restore some of the cuts they made to higher education funding after the recession hit. Eight states, though, are still cutting, and in almost all states — including those that are have boosted their support — higher education funding remains well below pre-recession levels. The large funding cuts have led to both steep tuition increases and spending cuts that may diminish the quality of education available to students at a time when a highly educated workforce is more crucial than ever to the nation’s economic future.

Source: States Are Still Funding Higher Education Below Pre-Recession Levels | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

 Posted by at 8:27 am