May 202014

It’s been a tough year for higher education.  This is a welcome reality check from…

In the U.S., college is a rite of passage for many. But with the cost of college rising sharply in recent years, you’ve got to wonder: Is a college degree really worth it?

Turns out, college continues to be a good investment—a fact that is consistent and convincing on virtually every measure of economic well-being and career attainment.

via What’s A College Diploma Worth? Why Higher Education Matters.

 Posted by at 10:51 am
May 062014

The Gallup-Purdue study is interesting in that it shows what kind of experiences in college relate to great jobs and great life after graduation.

By Julie Ray and Stephanie Kafka at…

WASHINGTON, D.C. — When it comes to being engaged at work and experiencing high well-being after graduation, a new Gallup-Purdue University study of college graduates shows that the type of institution they attended matters less than what they experienced there. Yet, just 3% of all the graduates studied had the types of experiences in college that Gallup finds strongly relate to great jobs and great lives afterward.

via Life in College Matters for Life After College.

 Posted by at 9:12 am
May 042014

Short and sweet.  As my institution is in the middle of creating a new strategic plan these questions get right to the important points for increasing chances of success.  By Joshua Kim at…

3 Internal Questions for Non-Profit / For-Profit Online Program Partnerships

via 3 Internal Questions for Non-Profit / For-Profit Online Program Partnerships | Technology and Learning @insidehighered.

 Posted by at 10:12 am
Mar 032014

Educational and interesting viewer of how big various elements in our universe are compared to one another.  By Lucky Tran at…

Recently, NASA scientists combined data from the Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes to discover the most distant galaxy known to date. The galaxy, named Abell2744 Y1, was formed around 13.2 billion years ago when the universe was extremely young. As the universe is expanding, Abell2744 Y1 is currently closer to 40 billion light years away from us, an astounding distance.

via Experience Just How Big the Universe is, in One Mind-Blowing Interactive – PolicyMic.

 Posted by at 7:49 pm
Jul 012013

As a CTO I think this short article offers compelling logic for further investment in online education.  By Tanya Roscorla at the Center for Digital Education…

SAN ANTONIO — The pressure is on for school districts to adopt online learning — and the pressure is coming from both parents and students.

via Why Education Leaders Can’t Ignore Online Classes.

 Posted by at 5:04 pm
May 032013

By David F. Carr at…

The job of a higher-education CIO is changing, partly because of disruptive technologies for online learning, but that doesn’t mean the basic challenges go away. Perhaps now more than ever, a CIO’s job hinges as much on surviving a brutal schedule of meetings and the academic politics of the institution as it does on mastering bleeding-edge technologies.

via Higher Ed CIOs Can’t Ignore MOOCs Or Politics – Education –.

 Posted by at 10:28 am
Apr 102013

This is a good read.  Don’t let the title kill your interest.  Even though I do not serve as an elected chair, I serve at the will and pleasure of the President of Concord University, it has some great leadership and management tips.

By Greg Downey at his personal blog…

Today I’m attending a “Chair’s Chat” as part of an annual UW-Madison “Campus Showcase” of best practices. Current Department Chairs like me have been asked to “share one or two tips that they feel other chairs might find useful” as part of the discussion:

via Ten Things to Ponder after you are Elected Department Chair | Greg Downey.

 Posted by at 8:54 am
Mar 202013

It’s interesting to look back and see how the CIO role has evolved.  I started aspiring to such a role back in the late 90’s and the article has a table on page 2 that compares the shift from 20 years ago to today.

By David Raths at…

How are you adding value?

It’s a question faced by many higher ed CIOs, as campus administrators look at the dollars budgeted for IT and wonder what they’re getting for the money. And it’s no longer about servers, bandwidth, and e-mail: Increasingly, IT leaders in higher education are under pressure to go beyond finding operational efficiencies, to developing more strategic contributions to pedagogy and university business.

via 9 Traits of the CIO of the Future — Campus Technology.

 Posted by at 9:27 am