By Kayla Matthews at…
Statistics indicate people spend up to 35-50 percent of their work time in meetings. It’s no wonder many individuals grumble at the mere idea of meeting with colleagues during the workday.
By Kayla Matthews at…
Statistics indicate people spend up to 35-50 percent of their work time in meetings. It’s no wonder many individuals grumble at the mere idea of meeting with colleagues during the workday.
By Mark Samuels at…
A Chief Information Officer (CIO) is the most senior technology executive inside an organisation. The job title is used widely around the world in business and in government and in charitable and non-profit organisations.
Source: What is a CIO? Everything you need to know about the Chief Information Officer explained | ZDNet
By Allison Matlack at
In open organizations, managers and other leaders have a responsibility to employees seeking new opportunities for development and growth.
Source: Owning your career in an open organization |
By Joshua Kim at…
Earlier this month the Council of Independent Colleges released a report on The Financial Resilience of Independent Colleges and Universities. (See IHE’s coverage of the report here).
Source: 3 EdTech Hypotheses to Help Explain Small College Financial Resilience | Technology and Learning
Looks and sounds simple enough. In practice it can get complicated. Good advice in this article by Deborah Maue at…
How to align the various constituencies at your institution so you’re working toward the same goal.
By Vanessa LoVerme Akhtar at Huffington Post…
Higher education is much the same today as it has been for generations. Though more people attend college now than ever before, post-secondary institutions remain notoriously slow to change – despite the shifting needs and demands of students. Just as technology is shifting the status quo across industries, digital advancements are calling for greater transformation in the field of higher education.
Source: Embracing Technology: Higher Education of the Future | HuffPost
Will this cause the State of West Virginia to move the Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day from March 30 to March 29?
By Kristinn Taylor at GatewayPundit…
The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 designates every March 29 as National Vietnam War Veterans Day and calls for the U.S. flag to be flown that day to honor those who served in Vietnam. The bill was co-sponsored by Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN). The bill passed the Senate last month and cleared the House last week.
Source: President Trump Signs Vietnam War Veterans Day Act; Honor Nam Vets By Flying Flag on March 29
This article describes what higher education might look like in 2025. We are certainly trending in the directions he mentions.
By John Cavanaugh at eCampus News…
What will learning look like in 2025?
Source: What will learning look like in 2025? – eCampus News