Jun 232014

While I appreciate the good intentions behind it, here comes another unfunded mandate increasing the costs in higher education.  Next story line (from a different author) will be something like “The Soaring Costs of Tuition in U.S. Higher Education.”

By Karen Farkas at Cleveland.com…

In a continuing effort to curb campus sexual assaults, the U.S. Department of Education officially proposed a new rule that requires colleges and universities to compile statistics for incidents of dating violence, domestic violence and stalking, Inside Higher Ed reported.

via Universities may be required to keep statistics on dating violence, domestic violence and stalking: Higher Education Roundup | cleveland.com.

 Posted by at 3:43 pm
Jun 192014

I’ll be checking in on this interesting initiative.  I have three family members going to school here.

By Conner Forest at TechRepublic.com…

Virginia’s Chesterfield County Schools recently announced that it will launch the largest education deployment of Chromebooks to date. Here’s what you can learn from it.

via 32,000 Chromebooks: How a Virginia school system bet on Google’s PC platform – TechRepublic.

 Posted by at 3:38 pm
May 202014

It’s been a tough year for higher education.  This is a welcome reality check from Forbes.com…

In the U.S., college is a rite of passage for many. But with the cost of college rising sharply in recent years, you’ve got to wonder: Is a college degree really worth it?

Turns out, college continues to be a good investment—a fact that is consistent and convincing on virtually every measure of economic well-being and career attainment.

via What’s A College Diploma Worth? Why Higher Education Matters.

 Posted by at 10:51 am
May 062014

The Gallup-Purdue study is interesting in that it shows what kind of experiences in college relate to great jobs and great life after graduation.

By Julie Ray and Stephanie Kafka at Gallup.com…

WASHINGTON, D.C. — When it comes to being engaged at work and experiencing high well-being after graduation, a new Gallup-Purdue University study of college graduates shows that the type of institution they attended matters less than what they experienced there. Yet, just 3% of all the graduates studied had the types of experiences in college that Gallup finds strongly relate to great jobs and great lives afterward.

via Life in College Matters for Life After College.

 Posted by at 9:12 am
May 042014

Short and sweet.  As my institution is in the middle of creating a new strategic plan these questions get right to the important points for increasing chances of success.  By Joshua Kim at InsideHigherEd.com…

3 Internal Questions for Non-Profit / For-Profit Online Program Partnerships

via 3 Internal Questions for Non-Profit / For-Profit Online Program Partnerships | Technology and Learning @insidehighered.

 Posted by at 10:12 am
Apr 252014

By Paul B. Redman at SSIReview.org…

Strategic planning is not just a functional exercise. It means the difference between being a struggling nonprofit and an innovative, cause-driven organization changing the world. Creating a culture that believes in planning is paramount not just to survive a project, but to thrive long after the project is complete. Strategic planning takes ideas, inspiration, and down-in-the-dirt hard work to make transformations.

via Five Essentials of Strategic Planning | Stanford Social Innovation Review.

 Posted by at 10:23 pm
Oct 022013

As a lifelong student and aspiring practitioner of good leadership I recommend this article.  Lifehacker articles have gotten a little mundane but this one is excellent.  By Adam Dachis at Lifehacker.com…

What makes a great leader makes a great friend. Nobody wants to think of their social life as a business that needs management, but many of the best leadership techniques can apply to our lives outside of work. Here’s a look at some people who have set good examples in their respective professions, and how you can apply those things to your daily social life.

via Classic Leadership Skills You Should Apply to Your Social Life.

 Posted by at 9:21 am