Feb 262013

I’ve been waiting for months for one of these, that’s beside the point.  This is just awful.

By Nate Anderson at arstechnica.com…

Marmet, West Virginia is a town of 1,500 people living in a thin ribbon along the banks of the Kanawha River just below Charleston. The town’s public library is only open Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. It’s housed in a small building the size of a trailer, which the state of West Virginia describes as an “extremely small facility with only one Internet connection.” Which is why it’s such a surprise to learn the Marmet Public Library runs this connection through a $15,000 to $20,000 Cisco 3945 router intended for “mid-size to large deployments,” according to Cisco.

via Why a one-room West Virginia library runs a $20,000 Cisco router | Ars Technica.

 Posted by at 5:05 pm
Oct 052012

This is a trend I want to see continue.  Great for the U.S. economy and IT pros in the country.

By Stephanie Overby at CIO.com…

CIO — One thing is certain–it’s going to cost GM a lot more to insource the 10,000 jobs it previously outsourced or offshored. However, the benefits could have significant business value.

via GM Bets on Insourcing, Brings Back 10,000 IT Jobs CIO.com.

 Posted by at 4:36 am
Oct 042012

By Dominic Vogel at TechRepublic.com…

Over the past several months, since notable security professional Dave Aitel proclaimed that security awareness was a complete waste of time, much has been written both for and against his arguments. I am not going to bother to add to the litany of articles. Regardless of your opinion about security awareness as a risk mitigating control, all information security professionals should be capable of at least describing, at a high-level, the concept of security awareness. Picture this scenario: you are tasked with talking about security awareness with your business colleagues. One stipulation – you have only five minutes to deliver your message. So other than constructing a machine to slow down time, how would you attempt to effectively describe security awareness in 300 seconds? My approach: take out all the techno-babble and appeal to people’s common sense.

via Five-minute security: The elevator pitch | TechRepublic.

 Posted by at 10:00 am
Jul 312012

By Bob Kantor at CIO.com…

Have you ever given a team member an assignment and told him or her to come see you if they needed any help with it… then been surprised a few days or weeks later, when they were in trouble but hadn’t come to you for that help?

via Four ways to end unconscious incompetence and manage effectively – personnel, business issues – CIO.

 Posted by at 5:25 pm
Jul 212012

This article provides great questions, that deserve answers, for any institution operating multiple LMS products.  Cost and satisfaction to the student, strategic relevance, etc.  Very good article.

By Jerry Bishop at Edu1World

IT Governance and the LMS – Who Owns Your LMS continues an explanation of IT Governance using a scenario involving an LMS. That scenario was presented in the first post IT Governance and the LMS – Principles of IT Governance. Here the explanation digs deep into the fundamental purpose for an LMS and how that influences issues of governance and ownership.

via IT Governance and the LMS – Who Owns Your LMS.

 Posted by at 10:40 am
May 212012

From EdTechMagazine.com…

IT administrators, professors and CIOs are driven by the needs — and rising expectations — of students. In the world of higher education, technology is a catalyst for real growth. Topics like online learning, “bring your own device,” electronic textbooks and cloud computing are hot in the industry right now, and rightfully so.

via The Dean’s List: 50 Must-Read Higher Education Technology Blogs | EdTech Magazine.

 Posted by at 6:13 am
May 032012

By Vinod Baya, Galen Gruman, and Bud Mathaisel at PWC.com…

After years of nearly 100 percent focus on cost-cutting due to the recession, company boards are now pushing their organizations to find ways to grow the business. In fact, most CEOs are looking to gain both efficiencies and differentiation at the same time. In a recent survey of CEOs conducted by PwC, 80 percent of CEOs believe innovation will drive efficiencies and lead to competitive advantage. (See Figure 1.) For most of them, technology is one way of capturing both. Close to 70 percent of CEOs are investing in IT to reduce costs and become more efficient, while 54 percent are also funneling funds toward growth initiatives. This sentiment is not limited to any particular industry sector, such as high-tech. It applies to enterprises of all sizes in all industry sectors.

via The strategic CIO’s new role in innovation: Technology forecast: PwC.

 Posted by at 11:20 am