This is one of the podcasts I subscribe and listen to on a regular basis. They have a premium offering and I have found the free podcasts to be very, very valuable. I highly recommend Manager Tools. Tell me if you have additional recommendations.
Sarah Fudin confirms parts of several ongoing conversations in higher education. Students want to spend time in class getting help solving problems, not receiving lectures that could be recorded and provided asynchronously. Students also want the option for electronic textbooks. Traditional classrooms are not as preferable as small group spaces.
By Sarah Fudin at…
Technology is rapidly evolving. This evolution is occurring because people are sharing ideas, resources and themselves online 24/7.
So what does this mean for our education? Education has long been seen as a vertical un-adaptive to change. Fifty years ago schools had individual desks, a blackboard in the front of the room and a teacher who administered lessons and testing in accordance to their specific state. Today, schools have individual desks, Smartboards instead of blackboards and a teacher who administers lessons and testing in accordance to their specific state. What has changed?
via What a classroom will look like in 10 years |
By Michael Cooney at…
Most often when the watchdogs at the Government Accountability Office are called into to check out an agency, process or project they are looking for something that has gone wrong. This week, however the group took a look at some government IT projects that have gone right and came up with some best practices other government agencies or in public corporations could emulate to achieve success in their own IT projects.
Good resources here. Required if your web site is paid for with federal funds.
Resources for understanding and implementing Section 508
via Section 508.
Here is a framework offered by EDUCAUSE for determining how much to invest in employee professional development. I’m interested in hearing of alternatives from anyone willing to comment.
Professional Development Opportunities
As you consider professional development opportunities critical to your career, or to the career of your staff members, the following grid can be used as a guide to navigate the professional development opportunities available within the EDUCAUSE community. Both career progression and investment of time and money are given to assist you in making decisions on events and other resources, some of which of are available at little or no cost.
NEW YORK — In a radical rethinking of what it means to go to school, states and districts nationwide are launching online public schools that let students from kindergarten to 12th grade take some — or all — of their classes from their bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens. Other states and districts are bringing students into brick-and-mortar schools for instruction that is largely computer-based and self-directed.
via U.S. Public Schools Turn To Digital Education | Fox News.
At they have a pretty interesting blog with some good tips on how to get started. They are marketing a product as well, and it looks worth a try.
IT Consulting and more research into preparing for a Title IV compliance audit by the Feds. Came upon this link to Cornell Law…