Oct 112010

By Katrina A. Meyer at EDUCAUSE.edu…

Having been immersed lately in reading about disruptive technologies, I am in a quandary. Which — if any — technology in higher education is truly disruptive? How would we know? Is there a way to make any technology disruptive? And finally, how might disruptive technology affect higher education’s future?

via The Role of Disruptive Technology in the Future of Higher Education (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE.

 Posted by at 7:05 pm
Jun 112010

Top-Ten IT Issues, 2010 (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE: “Administered by the EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee, the electronic survey was conducted in December 2009.1 Survey participants — typically CIOs of EDUCAUSE member institutions — were asked to select the five most-important IT issues out of a selection of twenty-seven in each of four areas: (1) issues that are critical for strategic success; (2) issues that are expected to increase in significance; (3) issues that demand the greatest amount of the campus IT leader’s time; and (4) issues that require the largest expenditures of human and fiscal resources.”

 Posted by at 9:01 am
Aug 312009

From CIO.com…

Five Resume Musts For Future CIOs – CIO.com – Business Technology Leadership: “By Martha Heller

August 25, 2009 — CIO —

Compared to the route to CFO, the CIO career path is all over the place. CIOs come out of IT, operations, marketing and more recently, I am finding, out of finance. So if you were to offer advice on how to achieve the dream CIO career, what would you say?

I spoke to three CIOs who have not only traveled their own, unique career trajectories, they’re actively engaged in growing the CIOs of future. I asked them: If you were to write the r�sum�of tomorrow’s CIO, what would it include?”

 Posted by at 7:44 pm
Nov 012008

By Michael Horn at MHProfessional.com…

Let’s revisit the topic of disruption in higher education, but from a different angle. In the past, I’ve written about community colleges and online universities targeting non-consumption, but there is a policy dimension to this as well.

via Another disruption in higher education: the teaching university | Clayton Christensen.

 Posted by at 8:09 pm