Sep 202009


First impressions of Microsoft Office 2010 Web Apps – Technology – News – “Still a long way to go.

Microsoft has unveiled the Web Applications update to its Office 2010 technical preview, giving the first glimpse of the new cloud-based versions of the market-leading productivity suite”

 Posted by at 1:25 pm
Sep 182009


Microsoft Office 2010: A First Look at PowerPoint Web App – Business Center – PC World: “Microsoft has kicked off the Technical Preview of Office Web Apps. I looked at the Office Web Apps version of Microsoft’s PowerPoint presentation software to see how it stacks up to its more robust Microsoft Office desktop cousin.”

 Posted by at 3:35 pm
Sep 182009


Microsoft to offer cheap Windows 7 for students | Beyond Binary – CNET News: “Microsoft plans to offer a substantial discount for college students who want to pick up a copy of Windows 7.

Starting October 1–and for a limited time–those in the U.K. will be able to preorder Windows 7 for 30 British pounds, according to a Microsoft Web site. In a Twitter posting, Microsoft said that U.S. college students will be able to get the software for $30, but the Web site it linked to does not yet have details on the offer.”

 Posted by at 10:02 am
Sep 142009

From Redmond…

Best Free Partition Manager for Windows 7 | Redmond Pie: “The built-in Disk Management tool in Windows 7 hasn’t changed much from the Vista days and is still missing some of the most important and basic features such as Disk Management in Windows 7the ability to re-partition an existing primary system partition without having to reinstall Windows. Maybe Microsoft thought that it was good enough and didn’t require any update or maybe they wanted to leave such features for the third party software’s to fill in. Whatever the case maybe, I was really baffled when I couldn’t do this basic task from the included Disk Management tool in Windows 7. Then I found out about Partition Wizard that worked like a charm on my Windows 7 x64 installation. It is free, fast and does the job extremely well. What else do you want from a free tool?”

 Posted by at 11:06 am
Sep 142009

Microsoft Office 2010 or Office 14 : Full Preview: “With Microsoft on in way to its eight generation Operating System, Windows 2008, and the release of Office 2007 Service Pack 2, the big buzz was still awaiting. Microsoft has come up with the Office 2007 predecessor that is all set for a RTM in early July 2010. Microsoft Office 14, officially named Microsoft Office 2010, is the latest in Office series of productivity suite that will be available in 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) version.”

 Posted by at 11:00 am