Sep 122009

Microsoft Office 2010: Three Helpful New Collaboration Features – – Business Technology Leadership: “By Shane O’Neill

Click here to find out more!
Mon, July 13, 2009 — CIO — With Microsoft Office 2010, due to ship in mid-2010 and being released to testers as a Technical Preview today, Redmond will push themes including collaboration and improved productivity.”

 Posted by at 9:22 pm
Sep 052009

This will cost $49 per user, could it be a good investment? From…

LapLink Offers Solution for XP to Win7 Upgrades – News and Analysis by PC Magazine: “The world was shocked when Microsoft announced that Windows XP to Windows 7 upgrades would not be supported by everybody’s new operating system darling. A lot of us were scratching our heads on this one, since we keep hearing about how businesses haven’t upgraded from XP to Vista, and how the OS of choice for netbooks has also been XP.”

 Posted by at 3:23 pm
Sep 042009

A good explanation to a common question. By Alan Norton at…

Learn why 250GB is not ever reported as 250GB | Microsoft Windows |

How all of this madness started is a fascinating stroll down the halls of computer history. Anyone who knows anything at all about computers knows that computers use binary numbers to count. Each piece of information used by a computer has one of two values, 0 or 1, called bits – short for binary digits. Eight bits are combined to create a byte. By the very nature of memory, (Table A) more bytes are usually added by doubling them from 1 to 2, and then doubling them again nine more times until we reach 1,024 bytes.”

 Posted by at 11:34 pm
Sep 032009

From and yes, I’m sticking to my guns…

Snow Leopard fails to convince CIOs to adopt more Macs | Tech Sanity Check | “The most talked about new feature in Mac OS X Snow Leopard, which debuted on August 28, is its native integration with Microsoft Exchange. The assumption was that this one feature could have the same kind of impact in opening the Mac market to corporate users as Exchange integration had on bringing the iPhone to business professionals. A new survey of TechRepublic’s CIO Jury completely debunks that assumption.”

 Posted by at 7:06 pm
Sep 032009


Five Reasons to Download the Windows 7 Trial Right Now – – Business Technology Leadership: “By Tony Bradley

September 02, 2009 — PC World —

Microsoft announced the availability of a 90-day free trial of the final RTM (release to manufacturing) version of Windows 7 Enterprise edition. Whether you are anxiously awaiting the new operating system, or skeptical of the hype around Windows 7, here are five reasons you should jump on the free trial.”

 Posted by at 1:18 pm