Oct 082013

The article also has links to parts 1 and 2.  By Brien M. Posey at WindowsNetworking.com…

This article continues the walkthrough for building a private cloud by walking you through the construction of a logical network. After doing so, we will also be creating a new IP address pool that will service the logical network.

via Building a Private Cloud With System Center 2012 (Part 3) :: Cloud Computing :: Articles & Tutorials :: WindowsNetworking.com.

 Posted by at 9:30 am
Aug 302013

By Chris Hoffman at MakeUseOf.com…

Windows is moving towards a more locked-down direction with Windows 8 and its Start screen and “Modern” app environment. There’s no denying this — you can’t even set a custom Start screen background without installing a third-party utility. Luckily, Windows hasn’t completely shed its legacy of customizability, yet. There are many different hacks you can perform with the Start screen, although most of them should have been included with Windows 8 itself.

via 10 Windows 8 Start Screen Hacks.

 Posted by at 1:58 pm
Aug 242013

By Paul Thurrott at WindowsITpro.com…

In a startling and unexpected announcement, Microsoft revealed today that CEO Steve Ballmer would retire sometime in the next 12 months. During the intervening time, the company will begin a search for his successor.

via Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to Retire in 2014 | Paul Thurrotts WinInfo content from Windows IT Pro.

 Posted by at 3:12 am
Jul 192013

Some good tips for Excel users.  The screen shots are Excel 2013 and Excel 2010 users should be able to follow along.  By Ryan Dube at MakeUseOf.com…

I’ve always believed that Excel is one of the most powerful software tools out there. It isn’t just the fact that it’s spreadsheet software, which is by its nature powerful anyway. No, Microsoft Excel 2013 itself has such an awesome collection of built-in tools and features that it has beyond any doubt, become one of the most useful tools for so many things. In this article, I plan to show you how powerful formulas and conditional formatting can be, with three pretty useful examples.

via 3 Crazy Excel Formulas That Do Amazing Things.

Mar 312013

By Ed Bott at ZDNet.com…

Summary: The speculation on the next version of Windows (code-named Blue) is getting out of hand. Based on a few screenshots and one offhand remark from a prominent Windows blogger, one of my colleagues is convinced that the Windows desktop is an endangered species. Nope. Not gonna happen.

via Five reasons why the Windows desktop isn’t going away | ZDNet.

 Posted by at 3:18 pm
Jan 252013

For my few non-IT friends still working with Windows 8.  By Chris Hoffman at MakeUseOf.com…

Windows 8 has a number of features that can be annoying to experienced users of the traditional Windows desktop. From adding a Start menu to disabling the bulky ribbon, noisy live tiles, and unnecessary lock screen, you can easily fix a variety of problems you have with Windows 8.

via 7 Windows 8 Niggles Resolved.

 Posted by at 8:14 am