Aug 162016

By Tim Brookes at…

Sick of dragging files into email messages whenever you want to share something? There might be a better way. Whether you want to share a single file with another Mac in the vicinity, a folder with a Windows PC on the same network, or several gigabytes of video with a friend on the other side of the world, we’ve got you covered.

Source: 9 Quick Ways to Share Files & Folders from a Mac

 Posted by at 10:19 pm
Apr 192016

Password management is more important than ever.  I personally use 1Password and recommend most users use something on the level of a password management app.  I definitely see this as a security and productivity enhancer.  Here is a good article by Michael McConnell at…

It goes without saying that everyone needs to use stronger passwords, and the best way to do that is with a password manager. The truth is, passwords that are hard to hack are just as hard to remember, yet even so, you really do need long and complex passwords.

Source: How Password Managers Keep Your Passwords Safe

 Posted by at 6:49 am
Apr 122016

Interesting article on keyboards in general and why you might want to avoid Bluetooth keyboards.  By Kannon Yamada at…

Bluetooth keyboards offer a winning combination of portability and cross-device compatibility — but they’re not perfect for everyone. While there are Bluetooth keyboards out there worth buying, you should be aware that there are some real trade-offs to consider.

Source: 6 Reasons Why You Should NOT Buy a Bluetooth Keyboard

 Posted by at 10:02 pm
Feb 112016

By Akshata Shanbhag at…

Many interesting cloud storage services have come and gone, but Dropbox is probably the one that’s been here the longest. And now it has upped its game with a host of new features. Let’s explore some of them from 2015 as well as some old but lesser-known ones. What we’re saying is let’s discover more stuff that you didn’t know you could do in and with Dropbox.

Source: 15 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Dropbox

 Posted by at 10:47 am
Oct 022015

By Rob Marvin at…

Project management deals in organized chaos. Project managers are often tasked with coordinating multiple teams, keeping track of workflows, and making sure all of the moving parts are communicating and collaborating on delivering the finished product that both the business executives and the clients expect.

Source: 8 Ways a Mind Map Can Declutter Your Project Management |

 Posted by at 9:42 am
Jun 192015

By Mark O’Neill at…

In the era of paper, when men were men, and the Internet was still a twinkle in Tim Berner-Lee‘s eye, signing something like a letter or a contract was as simple as getting a pen and scribbling your name.But then the Internet came along, and of course, like everything else, signing papers went online. But when you get that contract via email, what do you do? You have to print the last page, sign it, scan it, and email it back. How terribly inconvenient.

Source: 8 Ways To Sign A PDF From Windows, Mac & Mobile Platforms

 Posted by at 11:05 am
Sep 192014

A very useful article and “how-to” by Saikat Basu at…

Thankfully, when it comes to logic, the right tools can help simplify any process. Flowcharts are among those visual thinking tools that go grossly ignored for non-technical tasks. Maybe because flowcharting started purely as an engineering skill and didn’t go beyond the draft boards of industrial planners. With its leap towards computer algorithms it became more mainstream.

via How To Create Stunning Flowcharts With Microsoft Word.

 Posted by at 3:45 pm