Sep 302013

There’s a saying in mu business, “you get hired for your technical skills and fired for your soft skills.”  Good article by John McAndrew at Computerworld,com…

As a chief technology officer, you’re good at technology; the C-suite wouldn’t have hired you without that. But you can’t be all about technology. It’s even more important to understand the dynamics — and oftentimes the politics — of the C-suite. It’s your No. 1 client.

via CTOs, don’t neglect the C-suite – Computerworld.

 Posted by at 5:17 pm
Sep 182013

By Narasu Rebbapragada at

A bright orange line emerges from the horizon at the left side of the screen. Getting brighter, it arcs upward—and then suddenly turns ashen gray before falling back to the horizon. More lines follow the first. Thousands upon thousands of lines. The visual is at once beautiful and daunting.

via The art of numbers: Who knew Big Data could look so cool? | TechHive.

 Posted by at 8:49 am
Jul 192013

Some good tips for Excel users.  The screen shots are Excel 2013 and Excel 2010 users should be able to follow along.  By Ryan Dube at…

I’ve always believed that Excel is one of the most powerful software tools out there. It isn’t just the fact that it’s spreadsheet software, which is by its nature powerful anyway. No, Microsoft Excel 2013 itself has such an awesome collection of built-in tools and features that it has beyond any doubt, become one of the most useful tools for so many things. In this article, I plan to show you how powerful formulas and conditional formatting can be, with three pretty useful examples.

via 3 Crazy Excel Formulas That Do Amazing Things.

Jul 042013

Personal productivity is one of my special interests.  I highly recommend this post at Lifehacker.  It’s amazing to me that Benjamin Franklin so thoroughly documented his productivity rituals and guiding principles.  By Thorin Klosowski at…

Benjamin Franklin’s Best Productivity Tricks

Benjamin Franklin was a polymath by all accounts, and he didn’t get to that point by slacking off. He was a founding father, a scientist, a writer, and so much more. With that in mind, let’s take a look at what was behind the brain that made Franklin so productive.

via Benjamin Franklin’s Best Productivity Tricks.

 Posted by at 11:36 am
Apr 042013

This looks like a great idea built on fundamentals of good leadership.  By Les Mckeown at…

Any great leader faces a multitude of challenges every day. Whether it’s communicating strategy, helping people through change, holding on to excellence in the face of compromise, or just navigating the leadership environment, there is no shortage of development opportunities lurking in each day’s schedule.

I’ve worked over the years with leaders on all of the challenges above–and many, many more. But surprisingly, the skill that I see more leaders struggle with more than any other is relatively mundane (but very important): the ability to work with their team as an equal. To be “merely” a resource, rather than the team leader.

As we’ve seen before, many leaders can only operate in one of two modes–in charge, or not there. In other words, once they join their team (virtually or otherwise), the team instantly defers to them, and they take the lead.

Truly great leaders have a third mode: The ability to sit with their team without needing to be in charge, using their subject matter knowledge just the same way as anyone else around the table would.

If you don’t already have it, here’s how to develop that skill:

via Hardest Leadership Skill You’ll Ever Learn |

 Posted by at 10:54 am
Nov 082012

By Jennifer Lonoff Schiff at…

A lot can go wrong when it comes to building a business Website. To find out some of the biggest mistakes companies make when redesigning their website–or launching a new one– surveyed Web developers, Web designers and customer experience experts We cite the 12 most often problems, as well as how you can fix or prevent them.

via 12 Ways to (Not) Screw Up Your Website

 Posted by at 12:01 pm