May 132012

By Alan Henry at…

Numbers don’t lie, but a bad chart decision makes it extremely difficult to understand what those numbers mean. Before you put together another PowerPoint presentation, make sure your pick the right type of chart to clearly communicate the information you want to share. Here’s how.

via How to Choose the Best Chart for Your Data.

 Posted by at 4:00 pm
May 052012

By David Akka at…

HTML5 offers some real advantages in the consumer space and for tools such as social media and video. However, the reality is that it’s not mature enough as a tool for business applications. Issues such as security, synchronicity and the very fact that it’s an evolving standard make it an unreliable option for enterprises. Consideration of these pain points offers a reminder that, while the future may be an HTML5 one, right now it’s not the panacea for mobile development.

via Why HTML5 is not the choice for enterprise mobility | Opinion | .net magazine.

 Posted by at 7:53 pm
Apr 172012

By Helen Bradley at PCWorld…

PowerPoint is practically synonymous with presentations. The application has all the tools you need to make a professional-looking slideshow that pops with audio, video, and custom animations. However, some features for designing a slick presentation are hidden deep beneath PowerPoint’s interface.

via 10 Secrets to Punch Up Your PowerPoint Presentations | PCWorld Business Center.

 Posted by at 7:04 am
Apr 152012

Okay I admit I’ve been to the Apple store and would love to have the new iPad.  You know, the one that is not called the iPad 3?  Meanwhile, I continue to be amazed at what the iPad 2 does for me.  This article, and some of the comments from readers, validates many of my thoughts about what the iPad is and is not.  What it is for sure is interesting.

By Thorin Klosowski at Lifehacker.

The iPad gets a bad rap as a device designed specifically for consumption. After all, its main purpose is to keep you connected to the world. Despite that, the iPad has risen up as a creativity tool and serves as an integral part in many people’s toolkit. To get an idea of when these devices are being used, we talked with a cadre of creative types to find out not just how they’re using iPads to make things, but why.

via Your iPad: The Creative Tool You Never Knew You Needed.

 Posted by at 9:00 am
Feb 042012

The final GIMP release before we see version 2.8 is now available.  From the GIMP home page at

GIMP 2.6.12 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Its purpose is mostly to wrap up all fixes that have piled up since 2.6.11 into a last release in the stable 2.6 series before we switch to 2.8. Please have a look at the NEWS file for a detailed list of changes.

via GIMP – The GNU Image Manipulation Program.

 Posted by at 2:59 pm
Feb 012012

By Joel Lee at…

After the dot-com boom in the ‘90s, the Internet has grown to be less of a novelty and more of a necessity. Whether you’re the CEO of a big corporation or just an everyday Joe Schmoe, it’s nearly impossible to live in complete isolation from the online world. According to Internet World Stats, over half of the Western world has regular access to the Internet. That means that Internet users are no longer in the minority and being online is slowly becoming a critical aspect of living in the West.

via 5 Excellent Open Source Content Management Systems To Start A Website.

 Posted by at 7:31 am