Jul 212012

By Jon Brodkin at Arstechnica.com…

An advisory council to President Obama today said the US should identify 1,000 MHz of government-controlled spectrum and share it with private industry to meet the country’s growing need for wireless broadband.

via Bold plan: opening 1,000 MHz of federal spectrum to WiFi-style sharing | Ars Technica.

 Posted by at 11:16 am
May 052012

By David Akka at .NetMagazine.com…

HTML5 offers some real advantages in the consumer space and for tools such as social media and video. However, the reality is that it’s not mature enough as a tool for business applications. Issues such as security, synchronicity and the very fact that it’s an evolving standard make it an unreliable option for enterprises. Consideration of these pain points offers a reminder that, while the future may be an HTML5 one, right now it’s not the panacea for mobile development.

via Why HTML5 is not the choice for enterprise mobility | Opinion | .net magazine.

 Posted by at 7:53 pm
Apr 072012

from RT.com…

An onrush of condemnation and criticism kept the SOPA and PIPA acts from passing earlier this year, but US lawmakers have already authored another authoritarian bill that could give them free reign to creep the Web in the name of cybersecurity.

via Even worse than SOPA: New CISPA cybersecurity bill will censor the Web — RT.

 Posted by at 8:04 am
Jan 072012

By Paul Goodison at ReadWriteWeb.com…

If you are using a spreadsheet to track your data center equipment inventory, then take a moment and read this post. You might want to consider using something else that can actually track your assets. From where I sit, many IT managers grossly underestimate the efforts in this process.

via A Manifesto for Efficient IT Infrastructure Management.

 Posted by at 6:20 pm
Jan 022012

By Ryan Kamauff at CTOVision.com…

The Navy Marine Corps Intranet is the largest individual network in the world. The only larger network is the Internet. This huge network sprawl requires a great deal of strategy, concern and planning. Over 700,000 users rely on the intranet to receive IT services. This is a huge network, and the NMCI cannot afford to take risks lightly, nor can they afford to be behind the eight-ball.

via NMCI and VMware Infrastructure.

 Posted by at 1:42 pm
Dec 232011

By Adrian Hannah at LinuxJournal.com…

Imagine this: you’re sitting in your local coffee shop sucking down your morning caffeine fix before heading into the office. You catch up on your work e-mail, you check Facebook and you upload that financial report to your company’s FTP server. Overall, it’s been a constructive morning. By the time you get to work, there’s a whirlwind of chaos throughout the office. That incredibly sensitive financial report you uploaded was somehow leaked to the public, and your boss is outraged by the crass and unprofessional e-mail you just sent him. Was there some hacker lurking in the shadows that broke into your company’s network and decided to lay the blame on you? More than likely not. This mischievous ne’er-do-well probably was sitting in the coffee shop you stopped at and seized the opportunity.

via Packet Sniffing Basics | Linux Journal.

 Posted by at 2:52 pm
Dec 092011

This will be on my wish-list next year.

By Stephen Lawson at ComputerWorld.com…

Gigabit-speed wireless LAN products based on the emerging IEEE 802.11ac standard will start shipping next year and usher Wi-Fi into its next era of high speed and long range, communications chip maker Broadcom said Thursday.

via Broadcom pushes 802.11ac for faster Wi-Fi – Computerworld.

 Posted by at 4:32 am