May 052010

From Bruce Byfield at Datamation…

KDE vs. GNOME: DVD Tools and Desktop Design — “DVD tools are more important on Linux than on most operating systems. While Windows or OSX users rarely burn CDs or DVDs except for an occasional backup, for many Linux users, burning a Live CD to investigate a distribution is a common task.”

 Posted by at 10:49 am
May 052010


How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required – Triple Boot – Lifehacker: “Apple has streamlined the process of dual booting Windows on your Mac, but when it comes to Linux, Boot Camp isn’t so friendly. Here’s how to triple-boot your Mac with OS X, Windows 7, and the shiny new Ubuntu 10.04.”

 Posted by at 10:35 am
May 042010


Managing MySQL with MySQL Workbench | Linux and Open Source | “MySQL is still the most popular open source SQL database available. And while many MySQL administrators (myself included) are strict adherents of using the mysql command-line client, those who prefer GUI tools have several choices available. One popular choice is phpMyAdmin, a MySQL administration application written in PHP. The advantages of phpMyAdmin are that it is available on the server, can be used from anywhere with any browser, and does not require you to open up MySQL access directly to the network; using the existing web server with PHP support, you can directly manipulate MySQL via the Web.”

 Posted by at 1:35 pm
May 042010


VirtualBox 3.2 Beta Virtualizes Mac OS X (On Macs) – VirtualBox – Lifehacker: “Windows/Mac/Linux: Free virtualization tool VirtualBox, technically Oracle VM VirtualBox now, has quietly added ‘experimental support for Mac OS X guests’ to a beta release. That’s good news—at least for Mac owners, and those willing to dig into serious Hackintosh tweaks.”

 Posted by at 1:34 pm
May 022010


Ubuntu 10.4 lives up to the hype | Linux and Open Source | “I realize over the last couple of months I have been just as guilty of hyping up Ubuntu 10.4 as every other person in the media. And I confess there was a small portion of my brain that was concerned the latest-greatest from Canonical couldn’t possibly live up to every fragment of hype surrounding the release. 10.4 Was being billed as the golden child of Linux from all corners of the Linux-verse. Well, we all finally got chance to see how the official release stood up to the various PR machines. Did it stand up to what was promised? From my perspective it not only stood up to it, it surpassed the hype.”

 Posted by at 3:08 pm
May 012010

From Linux Magazine…

Linux File Security Training at the ACLU | Linux Magazine: “A couple of weeks ago you learned some user and group management basics with “User and Group Management 101.” This week you’re entering the Access Control List University (ACLU) for an overview of advanced user and group management through the use of access control lists (ACLs).”

 Posted by at 3:06 pm
Apr 302010


The 10-Minute Ubuntu Setup | ITworld: “April 26, 2010, 02:55 PM —

The next release from Ubuntu, the (relatively) popular Linux desktop operating system, is due out April 29, and it’s looking very nice. Want to give it a go? Here’s how you can load in the stuff you need–MP3s, DVD playing, and quick settings access–in a matter of minutes.”

 Posted by at 11:49 am
Apr 302010

Linux News: Applications: Gnome Commander Whips Files Into Shape: “Gnome Commander, an advanced twin-panel graphical file manager for the Linux Manage and monitor your systems with Landscape for Ubuntu. Free 60 day Trial. OS, brings back memories of my pre-Windows days. That is an era when graphical shell programs were popular before the Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) DOS (Disk Operating System) desktop gave way to the Windows 95 GUI (Graphical User Interface).”

 Posted by at 12:32 am