Apr 162010

Bisigi Themes Remix Linux in Eye-Opening Ways – Ubuntu – Lifehacker: “Linux: Finding new, good-looking, and complete themes for Linux systems can be a serious scavenger hunt. The Bisigi Project provides 13 free, well-rounded themes you can install all at once, customized for your monitor size. Take a peek at five of them.”

 Posted by at 11:31 am
Apr 162010

Greetings friends and visitors!  I use these blogs to help organize useful information about technology.  For a couple of years now I’ve known that I needed something for the Linux domain and here it is.  You’re unlikely to find me contributing a significant amount of original material, I’m just an average Linux enthusiast and usually find that what I need has been done and documented.  

Your suggestions and feedback are welcome.  Have a stable day!

chuck.elliott [at] linux [dot] com

 Posted by at 11:28 am
Apr 062010

I’m enjoying the beta version of Lucid Lynx, the name of Ubuntu 10.04 due out later this month. Linux is progressing incredibly well in my opinion, but this article is creating unrealistic expectations. Lucid is looking like it will be very good but I’m skeptical it will bend the adoption curve.

in reference to:

“The upcoming release of Ubuntu 10.04 is on the way and with its new theme, looks simply stunning. With an online music store built in, integrated cloud backup services and a strong focus on social networking, could this finally be the release consumers have been waiting for?”
Ubuntu 10.04: The Perfect Consumer Operating System? | Linux Magazine (view on Google Sidewiki)

 Posted by at 1:46 pm