Jan 232017

By Moe Long at MakeUseOf.com…

ASP? PHP? What are all of the options to choose from when someone wants to code a browser/web based application? Why should certain languages be chosen over others in any given scenario? This article will provide a checklist of questions the programmer should ask in order to choose which language to use.Since the inception of the internet, web programming remained a popular and in-demand skill. With a web-driven society, programming for the web continues its upward trend. Sites such as Udemy and as well as on-line and on-site bootcamps make learning web programming easy and accessible. Moreover, programming teaches many excellent general life habits.

Source: How to Choose the Right Web Programming Language to Use

 Posted by at 2:28 pm
Nov 172016

By Vivek Gite at nixCraft…

Bash (Bourne-Again SHell) is a Linux and Unix-like system shell or command language interpreter. It is a default shell on many operating systems including Linux and Apple MacOS X. Shell scripts are a fundamental part of the Unix programming environment. If you have always used a graphic user interface like KDE or Gnome or MS-Windows or Apple OS X, you are likely to find bash shell confusing. If you spend some time with the bash shell prompt and it will be difficult for you to go back.

Source: How to Learn bash shell and scripting – The best tutorials for bash beginners

 Posted by at 7:02 am
Sep 032016

By Sandy Stachowiak at MakeUseOf.com…

Don’t you love things that save you time and energy? When you are in the office, rather than wasting time on creating documents from scratch, you can focus on your tasks and duties by using and reusing simple templates. From budgets to to-dos and custom templates, check out these 10 time-saving tools.

Source: 10 Templates to Save Time at the Office

 Posted by at 7:01 pm
Jun 212016

By Danny Stieben at MakeUseOf.com…

MacBook Pros come with some very nice hardware, but some people want more. Some people want Linux.Whether you’d like a more open and customizable operating system or simply need to dual-boot in order to access certain software, you might want Linux on your MacBook. The thing is, MacBook Pros are also pretty closed-down pieces of hardware that make installing other operating systems difficult – Linux more so than Windows. Boot Camp won’t help you with Linux, even though it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Here’s how to do it.

Source: How To Install Linux On A MacBook Pro Retina

 Posted by at 6:23 pm
Jul 162014

Here is a good reference for aspiring and professional programmers.  By Joel Lee at MakeUseOf.com…

If you want to succeed as a programmer, you need to immerse yourself in the programming culture. This is more true if you’re still a pupil. The field of programming is so broad and there’s so much information to absorb that you’ll never come out on top if you participate from a distance. Fortunately, blogs are a readily accessible medium keep you in the loop.

via 7 Blogs You Should Really Read If You Are A Student Programmer.

 Posted by at 7:36 am
Jun 262014

What a great collection!  By Anup More at Linux.com…

Often due to some restrictions by the web development company, most of the web developers are forced to use free open source platforms such as Ubuntu. For such developers, it becomes headache to work without the tools that are mandatory and used for developing a website. However, there are some similar tools available for Linux that can be used in the web development.

via Web Development Tools for Linux & How to Install Them | Linux.com.

 Posted by at 3:55 pm