Apr 192016

Password management is more important than ever.  I personally use 1Password and recommend most users use something on the level of a password management app.  I definitely see this as a security and productivity enhancer.  Here is a good article by Michael McConnell at MakeUseOf.com…

It goes without saying that everyone needs to use stronger passwords, and the best way to do that is with a password manager. The truth is, passwords that are hard to hack are just as hard to remember, yet even so, you really do need long and complex passwords.

Source: How Password Managers Keep Your Passwords Safe

 Posted by at 6:49 am
Aug 312014

Anyone planning an enterprise deployment of iPads specifically, or tablets generally, is advised to check out the series of podcasts available.

From their web site:  Deploy 2014 is a series of shows we are currently building up to help you lead a major technology deployment in your school or organisation. The series is published in our regular podcast feed and this page gathers and organises each of the posts in the series, along with a summary of the content.

via Deploy 2014 | Out of School.

 Posted by at 10:05 am
Apr 182014

Some useful productivity tips by Serenity Caldwell and Dan Moren at Macworld.com…

Whether it’s the first time you’ve picked up an iPad or the seventeenth time you’ve pulled out your iPhone today, there are probably still some iOS 7 features and functionality that you’re not familiar with. Don’t sweat it: We’re here to help. We’ve collected some of our favorite and most useful tips and compiled them here, just for you.

via 33 great tips and tricks for iOS 7 | Macworld.

 Posted by at 5:40 pm
Feb 182014

Good news reported by Paul Thurrott on his blog.  I like MS Office, and I love the iPad.  I hope it’s a good marriage!

With Microsoft Executive Vice President Tami Reller seeming to tiptoe around a discussion about Microsoft’s plans for delivering a full-featured Office version for iPad this year, we don’t need to parse her comments to learn more. A related and reliable report suggests that Microsoft is in fact speeding up the delivery of Office for iPad. And it will probably arrive ahead of the version for Windows 8.

via Office for iPad | Paul Thurrotts WinInfo content from Windows IT Pro.

 Posted by at 1:49 pm
Feb 152014

A useful overview of mind mapping and a couple of product recommendations.  From Bakari Chavanu at MakeUseOf.com…

Mind mapping topics and ideas is a good way to jump start projects and tasks. Though good old pen and paper traditionally got the job done, digital applications like MindNode for Mac ($19.99) and iOS ($9.99) devices offer flexibility and features that save time and trees.

via Mind Map Ideas, Projects and Tasks With MindNode for Mac and iOS.

 Posted by at 5:28 pm
Jul 072013

A well written article on why open source is not profitable (not that it is intended to be) and some interesting analysis on the success and failures of many initiatives.  By Daniel Eran Dilger at AppleInsider.com…

Open Source enthusiasts love to tell you Android is winning, and that it is winning because it is open. But they’re wrong on both counts. The history of computing makes that abundantly clear, as do the current leaders in profitability.

via Editorial: Apple, Google and the failure of Android’s open.

 Posted by at 9:45 pm