Nov 262012

The “problem” with having a smartphone is that there are simply too many apps to try out. Just as you’ve found 10 good apps to try, another 20 come along, demanding your time and attention. Suddenly, everything else in your life is put on hold, as you try out the latest new iOS game or the latest Android productivity app (ironic, I know).

via INFOGRAPHIC: Best iOS Apps For Mobile Learning.

 Posted by at 10:13 am
Oct 112012

By Aaron Couch at…

We’ve all been there, some more than others, but at one point or another we’ve all had to convert a file. But whether we knew how to or not, was the question. Sometimes with this sort of thing it’s simply the lack of knowledge of what to use. The other common issue is how to use it. Well now that you’re reading this article, those should no longer be problems that you’re familiar with.

via Format Factory: Quickly & Easily Convert Multimedia Files Without The Headache [Windows].

 Posted by at 1:49 am
Sep 282012

By Bakari Chavanu at…

When you install iOS 6 on your iPhone or other iOS device, you won’t see any changes to the user interface, but there are a few new apps and several new features under the hood that will make your device a lot more handy to use.

via 10 iOS 6 ‘How-to’ Tips You Need to Know For Your iPhone, iPad, Or iPod Touch.

 Posted by at 9:46 pm
Aug 222012

By Saikat Basu at…

I am going to ruffle a few feathers here by saying that Microsoft OneNote is just as good as Evernote. Evernote is probably more barebones and easier to handle, while OneNote is the digital equivalent of a binder, giving you more organizational control.

via 10 Awesome OneNote Tips You Should Be Using All The Time [Windows].

 Posted by at 5:42 am