Jul 212012

I’m really looking forward to a great tablet that runs Windows.  Here is Wikipedia’s article on what should be available before the end of the year.

From Wikipedia…

Microsoft Surface is a planned series of tablet PCs designed and marketed by Microsoft. The Surface will be available in two versions, “Surface” and “Surface Pro”. “Surface” will run the Windows RT operating system and use an ARM CPU. “Surface Pro” will run the Windows 8 Pro operating system and use an Intel CPU.[2][3] The display is a 10.6-inch, 16:9 widescreen HD Display (Surface), or Full HD Display (Surface Pro).[4] The product was announced by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer at a Los Angeles event on June 18, 2012, at Milk Studios.[5] No specific release date was announced at the product introduction.

via Microsoft Surface – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

 Posted by at 11:40 am
May 142012

By Alex Olesker at CTOVision.com…

There are many great use cases for Apache Hadoop, the open source framework for scalable, reliable, and distributed computing on commodity hardware built around Hadoop Distributed File System and MapReduce, such as delivering search engine results, sequencing genomes, and indexing entire libraries of text, but the Million Monkeys Project by Jesse Anderson may be the easiest to understand and the most fun.

via A Million Monkeys Demonstrate the Power of Hadoop – CTOvision.com.

 Posted by at 2:06 am
Apr 152012

Okay I admit I’ve been to the Apple store and would love to have the new iPad.  You know, the one that is not called the iPad 3?  Meanwhile, I continue to be amazed at what the iPad 2 does for me.  This article, and some of the comments from readers, validates many of my thoughts about what the iPad is and is not.  What it is for sure is interesting.

By Thorin Klosowski at Lifehacker.

The iPad gets a bad rap as a device designed specifically for consumption. After all, its main purpose is to keep you connected to the world. Despite that, the iPad has risen up as a creativity tool and serves as an integral part in many people’s toolkit. To get an idea of when these devices are being used, we talked with a cadre of creative types to find out not just how they’re using iPads to make things, but why.

via Your iPad: The Creative Tool You Never Knew You Needed.

 Posted by at 9:00 am
Apr 112012

By Michael Kan at CIO.com…

IDG News Service (Beijing Bureau) — Intel is working with 10 undisclosed Chinese and global vendors to design Windows 8 tablets using the company’s chips, a senior company executive said Wednesday.

via Intel Working with 10 Vendors to Release Windows 8 Tablets By Year-End CIO.com.

 Posted by at 7:58 am