Jun 022019

This is relevant now.  Some good information from Kurt Mackie at MCPMag.com…

Microsoft recently detailed some changes organizations should make before rolling out version 1903 of Windows 10 and Windows Server, as well as its plans for Windows 10 “targeted” channel releases and new perks for Windows Update for Business users.

Source: Deploying Windows 10 and Windows Server 1903: Some Caveats for IT Pros — Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online

 Posted by at 8:08 am
Feb 112018

By Yusuf Limalia at MakeUseOf.com…

When you have internet or network issues, it may feel like a regression back to the stone age. Let’s try and understand networks and look at some troubleshooting techniques to bring you back into the world of the living.

Source: The Complete Windows Network Troubleshooting Guide

 Posted by at 6:56 pm
Jun 242017

By James Frew at MakeUseOf.com…

Windows 10 was a huge success after it launched in 2015. As of March 2017, it was running on over a quarter of Desktop computers worldwide, only trailing Windows 7, which was released six years prior. Microsoft appeared to have listened to feedback about Windows 8 and sought to mix the best of Windows 7 and 8 while pushing the OS into the future.

Source: Privacy and Windows 10: Your Guide to Windows Telemetry

 Posted by at 7:49 pm
Jan 192017

By Richard Hay at SuperSite for Windows…

Having the ability to use biometrics to validate my identity for access to my Windows 10 devices is not only a whiz bang neat feature but it is also very secure. By providing my fingerprint or face for scanning I associate those unique personal features to my Windows 10 log in account for an added level of security whether I am on my machines at home or on the road for work.

Source: Photo Gallery: Security | This USB key from Yubico can log you into Windows 10 using Windows Hello | SuperSite for Windows

 Posted by at 7:58 am
Dec 212016

By Mitch Tulloch at WindowsNetworking.com…

This is the second and final part of a two-part article that walks through steps for using third-party tools to create a Windows 7 image for deployment that incorporates all available software updates for the operating system.

Source: Creating a fully updated Windows 7 image (Part 2) :: Windows 7 :: Articles & Tutorials :: WindowsNetworking.com

 Posted by at 5:02 pm