Oct 072009

From Derek Melber at WindowsSecurity.com…

Top 10 Windows Security Configurations: Where and How! (Part 1): “There are always top 10 lists that grab your attention; and this one should be no different. Windows provides many settings, options, and areas of configuration. In reality, this might be a Top 100 list, but there is only room for 10. This list is created from years of educating and asking myself questions like, “what do administrators do and not do when it comes to security?” This list seems to be where administrators fail to look and setup security. It also includes a few settings that are not all that well known, but certainly have huge rewards for securing your Windows environment. I have tried to include references to other articles that go deeper into the topic, in case you want to read more about the security setting being suggested.”

 Posted by at 1:30 pm
Oct 062009

Totalidea Software :: Product :: Tweak Windows 7 – Tweak Windows Vista – Tweak-7 – Tweak7 – TweakVI – Tweak-Vista – TweakVista – TweakXP – Tweak-XP – Tweak XP – TweakUI – Outlook Backup – Outlook Notes – FireTune: “The worlds’ first optimization and system cleanup solution designed especially for Windows 7.

Tweak-7 was designed exclusively for Windows 7 and includes everything you need to get all out of the latest Operating System.”

 Posted by at 1:03 pm
Oct 052009

From PCWorld.com…somewhat of a lukewarm review.

Windows 7 Review – PC World: “What if a new version of Windows didn’t try to dazzle you? What if, instead, it tried to disappear except when you needed it? Such an operating system would dispense with glitzy effects in favor of low-key, useful new features. Rather than pelting you with alerts, warnings, and requests, it would try to stay out of your face. And if any bundled applications weren’t essential, it would dump ’em.”

 Posted by at 10:29 am
Sep 282009

From SevenForums.com…they have an impressive collection of tutorials and helpful information.

Windows 7 Forums: “Welcome to Windows 7 Forums. Our forum is dedicated to helping you find solutions with any problems, errors or issues you are experiencing with Windows 7. The Windows 7 forum also covers news and updates and has an extensive Windows 7 tutorial section that covers a wide range of tips and tricks.”

 Posted by at 5:40 pm
Sep 272009

Intro and table of contents for a 70 page review of Windows 7, from Activewin.com…

ActiveWin.com: Microsoft Windows 7 (32 & 64-bit) – Review: “This October Microsoft will release Windows 7 world-wide, the successor to Windows Vista and Windows XP (again), a major upgrade that promises to further improve the user experience on different PC form factors such as the popular Netbook. For the past couple of weeks the ActiveWin.com Team spent some time testing the Windows 7 (RTM) Release to Manufacturing build, which is the final build that will be available in stores and new PC’s around the world (that goes for Intel Macs too).”

 Posted by at 11:55 am